Jan 23, 2024

Metaverse Influencer Agency – Top 10 Agencies, FAQs & More

Metaverse Influencer Agency

A Metaverse influencer agency is a company specializing in connecting brands with influencers in virtual worlds. With the rising popularity of the Metaverse, these agencies hold significant potential, boasting a growing user base. For brand owners, partnering with such agencies can amplify their digital presence, offering unique opportunities to promote and sell products within virtual environments.

In this post, we will discuss the top Metaverse influencer marketing agencies and what they specialize at. Secondly, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding these Metaverse influencer marketing agencies. 

Metaverse Influencer Agency

Top 10 Metaverse Influencer Agencies


Publicis.Poke is a Metaverse influencer marketing agency known for its innovative approach in creating virtual campaigns. With an impressive user base of over 50 million individuals across various virtual worlds, it wields substantial influence. Publicis.Poke specializes in collaborating with gaming, fashion, and tech influencers, ensuring that brands are well-matched with the right virtual personalities. The agency generates revenue through sponsored virtual events and strategically placed product promotions, offering brands a unique avenue for engagement. Its significance to brand owners lies in the opportunity to tap into the vast and diverse Metaverse audience. Brands like Nike and Sony can leverage Publicis.Poke’s expertise to seamlessly integrate their products into virtual environments, gaining exposure and engagement within these digital realms.


Metavision, another Metaverse influencer marketing agency, stands out for its ability to create immersive virtual experiences. With the Metaverse steadily growing, Metavision’s expertise is becoming increasingly significant. The agency specializes in partnering with influencers who excel in crafting virtual adventures, making it an ideal choice for brands looking to engage with the gaming and entertainment community. Metavision’s revenue stream primarily stems from designing captivating virtual campaigns and hosting interactive virtual events. For brand owners, collaborating with Metavision provides a gateway to captivate audiences in the Metaverse, where creativity knows no bounds. Brands in the gaming and entertainment industry can benefit greatly from Metavision’s unique offerings, as they seek to establish a strong presence in these dynamic digital spaces.


Rumfoords, a Metaverse influencer marketing agency, is making waves with its strategic approach to virtual brand promotion. Although its user base is more niche, consisting of dedicated Metaverse enthusiasts, it offers a specialized service tailored to the gaming and esports sector. Rumfoords excels in fostering collaborations with gaming influencers, leveraging their expertise to promote products seamlessly within virtual gaming environments. The agency generates revenue through sponsored gaming tournaments and branded in-game experiences. For brand owners, partnering with Rumfoords provides an ideal platform to engage with the passionate gaming community. Brands seeking to gain a foothold in the gaming and esports sphere can benefit immensely from Rumfoords’ targeted approach to Metaverse influencer marketing.

Takeaway Reality

Takeaway Reality, a Metaverse influencer marketing agency, has been gaining prominence for its focus on bridging the gap between real-world brands and the Metaverse. Boasting a user base in the millions, it offers significant reach for brand promotion. Takeaway Reality specializes in collaborating with lifestyle and fashion influencers, creating seamless integration of brands into virtual wardrobes and lifestyles. The agency derives its revenue from immersive virtual fashion shows and product placements. For brand owners, Takeaway Reality offers an invaluable opportunity to connect with the fashion-forward Metaverse audience. Luxury fashion brands and lifestyle products stand to gain substantial exposure by partnering with Takeaway Reality and immersing themselves in the virtual fashion landscape.

Subnation Media

Subnation Media is a leading Metaverse influencer marketing agency that focuses on gaming and esports communities. With a user base primarily composed of gamers and esports enthusiasts, it offers a highly engaged audience. Subnation Media excels in collaborating with gaming influencers, esports athletes, and content creators, providing brands with tailored access to these passionate communities. The agency generates revenue through sponsored esports tournaments, content creation, and virtual merchandise. Brand owners seeking to establish a strong presence within the gaming and esports realms can benefit significantly from Subnation Media’s expertise. Gaming peripheral companies, esports organizations, and gaming-related brands find an ideal partner in Subnation Media to navigate the dynamic Metaverse landscape and connect with their target audience effectively.


Bemersive is a Metaverse influencer marketing agency renowned for its expertise in crafting immersive virtual experiences. With the Metaverse continually expanding, Bemersive’s services have grown in significance. The agency specializes in partnering with influencers who excel in creating virtual adventures, making it an ideal choice for brands aiming to engage with the gaming and entertainment community. Bemersive generates revenue through sponsored virtual campaigns and interactive virtual events. For brand owners, collaborating with Bemersive offers an opportunity to captivate audiences in the Metaverse, where imagination knows no bounds. Brands in the gaming and entertainment industry can greatly benefit from Bemersive’s unique offerings as they seek to establish a strong presence in these dynamic digital spaces.


Geeiq is a prominent Metaverse influencer marketing agency that specializes in catering to the diverse needs of brands seeking Metaverse exposure. With a significant user base spanning various virtual worlds, Geeiq offers a wide-reaching platform for brand promotion. The agency collaborates with a variety of influencers, including gaming, tech, fashion, and lifestyle, ensuring a versatile approach to influencer marketing. Geeiq generates revenue through a mix of sponsored virtual events, immersive experiences, and product endorsements within the Metaverse. For brand owners, partnering with Geeiq means tapping into a broad and eclectic Metaverse audience. Brands spanning different industries, from gaming and technology to fashion and lifestyle, can find value in Geeiq’s ability to create tailored influencer campaigns that resonate with their target demographic.

Al Dente

Al Dente is an innovative Metaverse influencer marketing agency that brings a unique twist to virtual brand promotion. Although its user base is more niche, focusing on the culinary and foodie communities within the Metaverse, it offers a specialized and engaging service. Al Dente specializes in partnering with food influencers, virtual chefs, and culinary content creators, making it an ideal choice for brands in the food and beverage industry. The agency generates revenue through sponsored virtual cooking shows, interactive food tastings, and culinary product placements. For brand owners, collaborating with Al Dente provides an ideal platform to connect with food enthusiasts in the Metaverse. Food and beverage brands looking to expand their presence in the virtual culinary world can benefit significantly from Al Dente’s targeted approach to Metaverse influencer marketing.

Virtual Brand Group

Virtual Brand Group stands out as a Metaverse influencer marketing agency that places a strong emphasis on virtual branding and identity within the Metaverse. With a user base that spans various virtual platforms, it offers a broad reach for brand promotion. The agency specializes in partnering with influencers who excel in crafting and curating virtual brand identities, making it an ideal choice for brands seeking to define their presence in the Metaverse. Virtual Brand Group generates revenue through branded virtual spaces, virtual fashion lines, and immersive brand experiences. For brand owners, collaborating with Virtual Brand Group offers the opportunity to establish a distinct and memorable Metaverse presence. Companies across industries can leverage Virtual Brand Group’s expertise to create and solidify their brand’s identity within the dynamic Metaverse landscape.

Ocean Outdoor

Ocean Outdoor is a Metaverse influencer marketing agency that takes a unique approach by focusing on the virtual outdoor and travel niche within the Metaverse. With a user base that includes virtual explorers and adventure enthusiasts, it offers an engaged audience seeking immersive experiences. Ocean Outdoor specializes in partnering with influencers who craft virtual travel adventures and outdoor experiences, making it an ideal choice for brands in the travel and outdoor industry. The agency generates revenue through sponsored virtual expeditions, immersive outdoor events, and outdoor gear endorsements. For brand owners, collaborating with Ocean Outdoor provides an opportunity to connect with adventurous Metaverse users. Travel and outdoor brands looking to expand their presence in the virtual world can benefit significantly from Ocean Outdoor’s expertise in creating memorable and immersive experiences in the Metaverse.

Metaverse Influencer Agency

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What are Metaverse influencer agencies?

Metaverse influencer agencies are organizations that connect brands with influencers in the Metaverse. Similar to traditional influencer agencies, but focused on the virtual world, they facilitate partnerships and collaborations in the Metaverse, using their expertise in this digital realm.

How do Metaverse influencer agencies differ from traditional ones?

Unlike traditional agencies, Metaverse influencer agencies specialize in virtual environments. They understand the unique dynamics of the Metaverse, offering services tailored to digital interactions, as opposed to physical world engagements.

What services do Metaverse influencer agencies offer?

These agencies provide services like influencer matchmaking, campaign management, and virtual event coordination, tailored to the Metaverse’s digital landscape. They bridge the gap between brands and virtual influencers, ensuring effective marketing in the Metaverse.

Why are Metaverse influencer agencies important for brands?

Metaverse influencer agencies are crucial for brands venturing into the Metaverse, as they offer expertise in this new digital frontier. These agencies help brands effectively navigate and leverage the unique opportunities of the Metaverse for marketing and engagement.

Can small businesses benefit from Metaverse influencer agencies?

Yes, small businesses can benefit from these agencies. They provide accessible entry points into the Metaverse, enabling even smaller brands to leverage influencer marketing in this emerging digital space.

What should brands consider when choosing a Metaverse influencer agency?

Brands should consider the agency’s expertise in the Metaverse, their track record with virtual influencer campaigns, and their ability to align with the brand’s specific goals in this digital landscape.

How do Metaverse influencer agencies measure campaign success?

These agencies use metrics like engagement rates, virtual foot traffic, and digital impressions to measure campaign success in the Metaverse, offering quantifiable insights into the impact of their influencer collaborations.

Are there different types of influencers in the Metaverse?

Yes, the Metaverse hosts a variety of influencers, including digital avatars, AI-driven characters, and human-controlled entities, each offering unique engagement opportunities for brands.


In conclusion, the rise of Metaverse influencer agencies marks a significant shift in the world of digital marketing and social influence. As virtual worlds continue to expand and gain popularity, these agencies play a crucial role in connecting brands with Metaverse influencers, enabling businesses to tap into new and immersive marketing opportunities. The Metaverse is not just a trend; it’s a new frontier for influencer marketing, and agencies are at the forefront of this exciting evolution.

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