Feb 12, 2024

Social Media Marketing Manager – How to Find One for Your Brand

Social Media Marketing Manager

A social media marketing manager oversees a brand’s online presence. They strategize, create content, and analyze data to optimize engagement. Their role is crucial in building brand awareness and fostering customer relationships. 

According to a survey by Statista, 73% of brand owners believe social media marketing managers are vital for their success.

This article provides insight into what a social media marketing manager is, what their tasks are, what skills they need and how you can work with one as a brand. Next, we discuss how much social media marketing managers make, discuss how you should pay them and finally, answer some frequently asked questions (FAQs).

Social Media Marketing Manager

Table of Contents

What is a Social Media Marketing Manager? 

A social media marketing manager manages a brand’s online presence, strategizing, creating content, and analyzing data for optimal engagement. 

They assist brand owners in effective promotion and sales strategies which is essential for building brand awareness and nurturing customer relationships.

Now, let’s look at the tasks of a social media marketing manager.

What are the Tasks of a Social Media Marketing Manager?

Social media marketing encompasses various tasks vital for brand success. From crafting captivating content and engaging with followers to analyzing data and forming strategic plans, it aims to boost brand visibility, loyalty, and ROI. Additionally, collaborations with influencers and community building efforts foster audience connections and brand advocacy. This is all something that JoinBrands can help you with.

Content Creation

Crafting engaging posts, graphics, and videos tailored to the brand’s voice and audience. This task is performed daily to maintain a consistent presence and capture audience interest. By delivering compelling content, brand owners can attract and retain customers, ultimately driving sales and brand loyalty.

Audience Engagement

Responding to comments, messages, and mentions across social media platforms. This task is performed multiple times throughout the day to foster meaningful interactions and build relationships with followers. By engaging with their audience, brand owners can demonstrate responsiveness and authenticity, strengthening brand trust and affinity.

Analytics Monitoring

Tracking key metrics such as reach, engagement, and conversion rates using analytical tools. This task is typically conducted weekly or monthly to assess performance and identify trends. By analyzing data, brand owners can make informed decisions, optimize their strategies, and maximize their return on investment in social media marketing.

Strategy Development

Formulating comprehensive plans to achieve marketing objectives and align social media efforts with broader business goals. This task is performed periodically to adapt to changing market dynamics and emerging trends. By devising strategic approaches, brand owners can enhance brand visibility, reach new audiences, and stay ahead of competitors in the digital landscape.

Influencer Collaboration

Identifying and partnering with influencers relevant to the brand’s niche to amplify reach and credibility. This task involves outreach, negotiation, and coordination, typically occurring on a monthly or quarterly basis. By leveraging influencer partnerships, brand owners can tap into established audiences, garner authentic endorsements, and enhance brand reputation.

Campaign Management

Planning, executing, and optimizing social media campaigns to achieve specific marketing goals. This task involves setting objectives, creating content calendars, and monitoring campaign performance in real-time. By running targeted campaigns, brand owners can drive traffic, generate leads, and increase conversions, maximizing their ROI on advertising spend.

Community Building

Cultivating online communities around the brand by fostering discussions, organizing events, and facilitating user-generated content. This ongoing task involves nurturing relationships with loyal followers and encouraging user participation. By building a strong community, brand owners can create brand advocates, generate word-of-mouth referrals, and foster a sense of belonging among their audience.

Now that we know the different tasks of a social media marketing manager, let’s discuss the skills you’ll need to accomplish these tasks. 

What Skills Does a Social Media Marketing Manager Need? 

Communication Skills

Effective verbal and written communication abilities are crucial for conveying brand messages and engaging with audiences. According to a survey by LinkedIn, communication skills are the most sought-after by employers. They facilitate tasks such as content creation, audience engagement, and collaboration with influencers. Brands benefit as clear and compelling communication enhances brand perception and fosters customer trust and loyalty.

Analytical Skills

Proficiency in data analysis enables social media marketing managers to interpret metrics and track campaign performance. Research shows that 67% of marketers rely on data analytics for decision-making. Analytical skills assist in monitoring trends, identifying audience preferences, and optimizing strategies for better results. Brands benefit from data-driven insights as they can make informed decisions, refine their approaches, and achieve higher ROI in social media marketing efforts.


The ability to think innovatively and produce original content sets brands apart in the crowded digital landscape. A study by Adobe found that 82% of companies believe there is a strong connection between creativity and business results. Creativity empowers social media marketing managers to craft engaging posts, design eye-catching visuals, and develop unique campaign ideas. Brands benefit from creative content as it captivates audiences, sparks conversations, and strengthens brand identity and differentiation.

Time Management

Efficient time management skills are essential for juggling multiple tasks and meeting deadlines in the fast-paced social media environment. Research indicates that poor time management costs businesses billions of dollars annually. Social media marketing managers use time management to prioritize tasks, schedule content posting, and allocate resources effectively. Brands benefit as timely execution ensures consistent engagement, maintains brand visibility, and maximizes opportunities to connect with the target audience.

Strategic Thinking

Strategic thinking involves the ability to anticipate trends, identify opportunities, and align social media efforts with broader business objectives. A survey by McKinsey found that 83% of executives believe strategic thinking is important for organizational success. Social media marketing managers employ strategic thinking to develop comprehensive plans, adapt to market dynamics, and stay ahead of competitors. Brands benefit as strategic approaches enable them to achieve long-term goals, enhance brand positioning, and drive sustainable growth in the competitive digital landscape.


Given the ever-evolving nature of social media platforms and consumer behaviors, adaptability is essential for staying relevant and effective. Research indicates that 85% of businesses consider adaptability a critical skill for success. Social media marketing managers use adaptability to embrace new technologies, pivot strategies in response to trends, and overcome challenges. Brands benefit from adaptable managers as they can navigate changes seamlessly, maintain agility in their marketing efforts, and capitalize on emerging opportunities to drive brand success.

Customer Service Skills

Strong customer service skills are essential for effectively addressing inquiries, concerns, and feedback from the audience. Studies show that 73% of consumers consider customer service a crucial factor in their purchasing decisions. Social media marketing managers utilize customer service skills to respond promptly, empathetically, and professionally to audience interactions, enhancing brand reputation and customer satisfaction. Brands benefit as excellent customer service fosters positive brand experiences, builds trust, and encourages brand loyalty and advocacy.


Collaborative skills enable social media marketing managers to work effectively with cross-functional teams, influencers, and external partners. Research indicates that 75% of employers rate teamwork and collaboration as ‘very important’. Collaboration skills facilitate tasks such as content creation, campaign management, and influencer partnerships. Brands benefit from collaborative managers as they can leverage diverse expertise, foster creativity, and execute integrated marketing strategies that resonate with the target audience across various channels.

Now, let’s discuss how to work with a social media marketing manager as a brand.

How to Work with a Social Media Marketing Manager as a Brand 

1. Setting Clear Objectives

The initial step involves establishing clear, strategic objectives for the social media marketing efforts. This is crucial for the brand as it outlines what it aims to achieve, whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or engaging with a specific audience. For the social media marketing manager, having clear objectives is essential for creating targeted campaigns and measuring success. To achieve this step effectively, the brand and manager should collaborate to define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives that align with the overall marketing strategy.

2. Understanding the Target Audience

Identifying and understanding the target audience is a key step. For the brand, this ensures that marketing efforts are directed towards users who are most likely to be interested in their products or services, maximizing return on investment. For the social media marketing manager, a deep understanding of the target audience allows for the creation of resonant content and personalized engagement strategies. This step can be effectively achieved through market research, social listening, and analysis of existing customer data to identify demographic, psychographic, and behavioral characteristics of the target audience.

3. Choosing the Right Platforms

Selecting the appropriate social media platforms is essential. For the brand, this decision impacts where resources will be focused and where the brand is most likely to reach and engage its target audience. For the social media marketing manager, working on the right platforms means they can tailor strategies to leverage the unique features and user behaviors of each platform. Effectiveness in this step is achieved by analyzing where the target audience is most active and aligning these insights with the brand’s objectives to choose platforms that offer the best potential for engagement.

4. Developing a Content Strategy

Creating a comprehensive content strategy is crucial. For the brand, a well-planned content strategy ensures consistent, engaging, and valuable content that supports the brand’s objectives. For the social media marketing manager, this strategy serves as a roadmap for what content to produce, when to post it, and how it aligns with campaign goals. Achieving this step effectively involves planning a variety of content types (e.g., videos, blogs, infographics) tailored to the interests of the target audience and the strengths of each chosen platform.

5. Implementing a Publishing Schedule

Consistency in publishing is vital for maintaining the audience’s interest and engagement. For the brand, a regular posting schedule helps to build and maintain a strong online presence. For the social media marketing manager, a detailed publishing schedule ensures that content is distributed efficiently across platforms, maximizing visibility and engagement. This can be effectively managed through the use of social media management tools that allow for content scheduling, automation, and real-time adjustments based on audience engagement.

6. Engaging with the Audience

Audience engagement is a critical component of social media marketing. For the brand, active engagement helps to build relationships with customers, fostering loyalty and advocacy. For the social media marketing manager, this involves monitoring social media channels for comments, messages, and mentions, and responding in a timely and brand-aligned manner. Effective engagement also includes actively participating in conversations, hosting live sessions, and creating interactive content such as polls and quizzes.

7. Utilizing Paid Advertising

Integrating paid advertising into the strategy can amplify reach and engagement. For the brand, paid social media campaigns can target specific audiences with precision, driving traffic, conversions, and brand awareness. For the social media marketing manager, this step involves designing, executing, and monitoring paid ad campaigns across platforms, optimizing for performance and ROI. Achieving effectiveness in this step requires a thorough understanding of each platform’s advertising tools, targeting options, and best practices for ad content.

8. Monitoring and Analyzing Performance

Regular monitoring and analysis of social media performance are essential. For the brand, analytics provide insights into the effectiveness of social media strategies, informing future decisions. For the social media marketing manager, tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) like engagement rates, reach, and conversion metrics allows for ongoing optimization of strategies. Effective analysis involves using social media analytics tools to compile data and generating reports that offer actionable insights.

9. Adjusting Strategies Based on Insights

Adapting strategies based on performance data is crucial for continuous improvement. For the brand, this flexibility ensures that social media efforts remain aligned with changing audience preferences and market trends. For the social media marketing manager, it involves revising content, engagement tactics, and advertising strategies to enhance performance and achieve objectives. This step is effectively achieved through regular reviews of analytics, followed by strategic adjustments to capitalize on what works and address areas of weakness.

10. Fostering Collaboration and Communication

Ensuring open lines of communication and collaboration between the brand and the social media marketing manager is fundamental. For the brand, collaboration ensures that all marketing efforts are cohesive and aligned with the brand’s overall goals. For the social media marketing manager, effective communication with the brand, as well as other marketing team members, is essential for synchronizing strategies and sharing insights that can inform broader marketing initiatives. Achieving this step effectively requires regular meetings, clear reporting, and shared tools for project management and communication.

By following these steps, brands can work effectively with social media marketing managers to develop and execute successful strategies that enhance their online presence, engage their target audience, and achieve their marketing objectives.

Now, let’s discuss how much a social media marketing manager makes. 

How Much Does a Social Media Marketing Manager Make? 

Company Size and Industry

Social media marketing manager salaries vary depending on the size of the employing company and the industry. Larger companies and industries with higher budgets often offer higher salaries due to greater resources allocated to marketing.

Geographic Location

Pay rates can differ significantly based on the geographic location of the job. Managers working in major cities or regions with a high cost of living generally command higher salaries compared to those in smaller towns or regions with lower living expenses.

Experience Level

Experience plays a significant role in determining a social media marketing manager’s salary. Entry-level managers typically earn less than those with several years of experience. As managers gain more experience and expertise in the field, their earning potential increases.

Skills and Certifications

Advanced skills in areas such as analytics, strategy development, and team management can impact a manager’s salary. Possessing certifications in relevant areas such as Google Ads or social media marketing can also lead to higher pay due to increased credibility and expertise.

Based on different experience levels, the pay can differ as illustrated by this table: 

Experience LevelSalary Range
Entry-Level$40,000 – $60,000
Mid-Level$60,000 – $80,000
Senior-Level$80,000 – $100,000+

Now, let’s discuss how you should compensate social media marketing managers. 

How to Compensate Social Media Marketing Managers as a Brand

Creating a fair and motivating compensation plan for social media marketing managers is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent in this rapidly evolving field. A detailed plan should consider various factors, including the manager’s experience, the size and industry of the brand, geographic location, and the specific responsibilities involved. Here is a comprehensive approach to structuring such a plan:

1. Competitive Base Salary

Objective: To provide financial stability and recognize the manager’s expertise and the value they bring to the brand.

Implementation: Conduct market research to determine competitive salaries for social media marketing managers in your industry and region. Adjust the base salary according to the manager’s experience, qualifications, and the complexity of the role within your organization. Regularly review and adjust salaries to remain competitive and account for inflation.

2. Performance Bonuses

Objective: To incentivize achieving and exceeding specific marketing goals.

Implementation: Set clear, measurable objectives aligned with the brand’s overall marketing goals, such as increasing engagement rates, growing the follower base, or driving sales through social media channels. Offer bonuses for meeting or exceeding these targets. Ensure these objectives are realistic and within the manager’s control.

3. Profit Sharing Plans

Objective: To align the manager’s incentives with the company’s financial success and foster a sense of ownership.

Implementation: Implement a profit-sharing scheme where a portion of the profits attributable to social media marketing efforts is shared with the manager. Define a clear formula for calculating the manager’s share, considering factors like overall company performance and the direct impact of social media campaigns on sales or conversions.

4. Benefits Package

Objective: To support the manager’s well-being and job satisfaction.

Implementation: Offer a comprehensive benefits package that includes health insurance, dental and vision care, retirement savings plans, and paid time off. Consider including perks specific to the role, such as allowances for attending industry conferences, subscriptions to professional tools and platforms, or opportunities for continued education and training in digital marketing.

5. Long-term Incentives

Objective: To retain top talent by providing incentives for long-term commitment to the company.

Implementation: Offer long-term incentive plans such as stock options or restricted stock units (RSUs) for larger companies, or equity stakes for startups. These incentives should vest over a period of years, encouraging the manager to remain with the company and contribute to its growth over time.

6. Flexible Working Conditions

Objective: To recognize the role’s adaptability and potentially demanding nature, offering work-life balance.

Implementation: Provide options for remote work, flexible schedules, or compressed workweeks. Acknowledge that social media often requires attention outside of traditional working hours and offer compensatory time off or flexibility in working hours to account for this.

7. Continuing Education and Professional Development

Objective: To keep the manager’s skills sharp and ensure they stay on top of industry trends.

Implementation: Allocate a budget for professional development, including attending conferences, workshops, and courses relevant to social media marketing. Encourage and financially support the pursuit of professional certifications that enhance the manager’s expertise and the brand’s standing.

8. Regular Compensation Reviews

Objective: To ensure the compensation package remains competitive and reflects the manager’s growth and contributions.

Implementation: Schedule annual reviews to assess the manager’s performance, the effectiveness of the compensation plan, and adjustments based on market trends, the manager’s development, and the company’s financial performance.

9. Recognition Programs

Objective: To acknowledge exceptional work and creative initiatives that significantly benefit the brand.

Implementation: Establish a recognition program that highlights outstanding achievements in social media marketing. This could include internal awards, public recognition, or non-monetary perks like extra vacation days or special experiences.

10. Customized Compensation Elements

Objective: To address individual preferences and needs, making the compensation package more appealing.

Implementation: Offer some flexibility within the compensation plan to cater to the manager’s unique preferences, such as a choice between a higher base salary or more significant performance bonuses, additional health benefits, or more robust professional development support.

This detailed compensation plan combines financial incentives with benefits and opportunities for professional growth, tailored to motivate and retain social media marketing managers effectively. It recognizes their critical role in the brand’s success while fostering a positive and supportive work environment.

Now, let’s answer some frequently asked questions (FAQs). 

Social Media Marketing Manager

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

How important is creativity for a social media marketing manager?

Creativity is crucial for a social media marketing manager. They must generate original content, devise innovative campaigns, and find new ways to engage the audience. This creativity sets them apart from competitors and is vital for capturing attention in a crowded digital landscape.

What skills are necessary for a social media marketing manager?

Essential skills include strategic planning, content creation, data analysis, and communication. A social media marketing manager must also understand social media algorithms and have proficiency in digital tools to effectively reach and engage with target audiences.

How does a social media marketing manager measure success?

Success is measured through metrics such as engagement rates, follower growth, and conversion rates. These units help in evaluating the effectiveness of social media strategies and campaigns, allowing for data-driven adjustments to maximize online presence and brand impact.

What is the difference between a social media marketing manager and a digital marketing manager?

A social media marketing manager specializes in social platforms, focusing on content creation and audience interaction. In contrast, a Digital Marketing Manager oversees a broader range of digital channels, including email, SEO, and online advertising, aiming for a comprehensive online presence.

How does technology impact the role of a social media marketing manager?

Technology is pivotal, offering tools for content creation, scheduling, analytics, and customer interaction. It enables social media marketing managers to efficiently manage multiple platforms, analyze performance data, and stay ahead of digital trends.

Can a small business benefit from hiring a social media marketing manager?

Yes, small businesses can greatly benefit. A social media marketing manager can help them establish a strong online presence, connect with their audience, and compete more effectively in their market by leveraging social media platforms.

What trends should a social media marketing manager be aware of?

They should be aware of evolving social media trends such as video content popularity, the rise of ephemeral content like stories, and the importance of user-generated content. Staying abreast of these trends helps in crafting relevant and engaging strategies.

How does audience analysis benefit a social media marketing manager?

Audience analysis helps in understanding the preferences, behaviors, and demographics of a brand’s audience. This knowledge enables the manager to create tailored content, choose the right platforms, and schedule posts for maximum engagement.

What role does a social media marketing manager play in crisis management?

They play a critical role by monitoring online sentiment, responding to concerns, and crafting messages that address the situation. Effective crisis management can protect and even enhance a brand’s reputation online.

How do changes in social media algorithms affect a social media marketing manager’s strategy?

Changes in algorithms can significantly impact content visibility and engagement. A social media marketing manager must adapt strategies promptly to ensure content continues to reach and resonate with the intended audience, maintaining or improving engagement levels.


In conclusion, the role of a social media marketing manager is indispensable in today’s digital landscape. With a keen understanding of platforms, trends, and audience engagement, these professionals bridge the gap between brands and consumers, driving growth and fostering meaningful connections. As social media continues to evolve, the importance of skilled managers in shaping online presence cannot be overstated.

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