Jan 17, 2024

B2B Influencer Marketing Agency – Top 15 Agencies, FAQs & More

B2B Influencer Marketing Agency

A B2B influencer marketing agency is a company that specializes in connecting business-to-business brands with influential figures in their industry to promote products or services. These agencies hold significance due to their ability to access a vast network of industry-specific influencers. For brand owners seeking to enhance brand visibility and credibility in the B2B sector, collaborating with such agencies provides a direct channel to reach and engage with a niche audience, fostering trust and authority.

In this post, we will discuss the top B2B influencer marketing agencies and what they specialize at. Secondly, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding these B2B influencer marketing agencies. 

B2B Influencer Marketing Agency

Top 15 B2B Influencer Marketing Agencies

Agence Madame KOTOBA

Agence Madame KOTOBA is a distinguished B2B influencer marketing agency specializing in connecting B2B brands with industry-specific influencers. With a network spanning over 1,000 B2B influencers, they hold significance in their field. Agence Madame KOTOBA primarily collaborates with B2B thought leaders and professionals. Revenue is generated through brand partnerships and influencer campaigns. For brand owners in the B2B sector, partnering with this agency offers a direct route to establish thought leadership and credibility, particularly when targeting niche B2B audiences.

Walkie Talkie

Walkie Talkie is a B2B influencer marketing agency that excels in crafting strategic influencer campaigns for B2B brands. With a network of 800+ B2B influencers, they are a prominent player in the industry. Walkie Talkie primarily collaborates with B2B experts and industry leaders. Their revenue streams include brand partnerships and content creation. For B2B brand owners seeking to enhance industry authority and reach, Walkie Talkie offers tailored influencer strategies to drive engagement and trust among B2B audiences.

Entrecom Social

Entrecom Social is a B2B influencer marketing agency known for its expertise in connecting brands with B2B influencers. They have a substantial network of 1,200+ B2B influencers, underscoring their industry significance. The agency primarily collaborates with B2B professionals and thought leaders. Revenue generation is through brand partnerships and influencer campaigns. For B2B brand owners, partnering with Entrecom Social provides a direct channel to gain credibility and authenticity in the B2B landscape, particularly when targeting niche B2B segments.

Agence Nest

Agence Nest is a B2B influencer marketing agency specializing in B2B influencer collaborations. With a network encompassing over 1,500 B2B influencers, they are highly significant in their field. Agence Nest predominantly collaborates with B2B experts and professionals. Their revenue comes from brand partnerships and influencer campaigns. For B2B brand owners, collaborating with Agence Nest offers a strategic means to establish authority and trust within the B2B industry, especially when aiming to engage specific B2B audiences.

Novicom Marketing Group

Novicom Marketing Group is a data-driven B2B influencer marketing agency that offers access to a wide range of B2B influencers. They generate income through subscription-based services and comprehensive influencer analytics. For B2B brand owners looking to make informed influencer selections and optimize their ROI, Novicom Marketing Group’s data insights provide a valuable resource.


Reflections is a B2B influencer marketing agency specializing in tailored influencer strategies for B2B brands. They have a substantial network of 900+ B2B influencers, signifying their industry importance. Reflections primarily collaborates with B2B professionals and industry experts. Revenue is generated through brand partnerships and strategic influencer campaigns. For B2B brand owners aiming to enhance their industry authority and foster engagement, Reflections offers customized influencer approaches to resonate with B2B audiences.


Com’Busters is a B2B influencer marketing agency that excels in crafting impactful influencer campaigns for B2B brands. They maintain a network of 800+ B2B influencers, contributing to their industry significance. Com’Busters primarily collaborates with B2B thought leaders and experts. Their revenue streams come from brand partnerships and influencer campaigns. For B2B brand owners, partnering with Com’Busters offers a strategic path to amplify industry presence and gain the trust of B2B audiences.

Essencius A/S

Essencius A/S is a B2B influencer marketing agency that specializes in influencer partnerships for B2B brands. They work with a network of 1,000+ B2B influencers, enhancing their significance in the industry. Essencius A/S primarily collaborates with B2B professionals and thought leaders. Revenue generation is through brand partnerships and influencer campaigns. B2B brand owners seeking to elevate their industry authority and engage with B2B audiences can leverage Essencius A/S for impactful influencer strategies.


Robler is a B2B influencer marketing agency known for its expertise in crafting strategic influencer campaigns for B2B brands. They maintain a substantial network of 900+ B2B influencers, underscoring their importance in the industry. Robler primarily collaborates with B2B professionals and thought leaders. Their revenue comes from brand partnerships and influencer campaigns. For B2B brand owners aiming to establish industry thought leadership and resonate with B2B audiences, Robler offers tailored influencer strategies to drive engagement and credibility.


NinjaPromo is a B2B influencer marketing agency specializing in influencer partnerships for B2B brands. They have a diverse network of B2B influencers and generate income through brand collaborations and sponsored content. For B2B brand owners looking to promote their products or services and engage with B2B audiences, NinjaPromo provides a platform for effective influencer campaigns.


BuildSocial is a B2B influencer marketing agency known for its expertise in creating impactful influencer campaigns for B2B brands. They collaborate with a network of 800+ B2B influencers, making them a significant player in the industry. BuildSocial primarily collaborates with B2B professionals and experts. Their revenue comes from brand partnerships and influencer campaigns. For B2B brand owners aiming to enhance industry credibility and reach specific B2B audiences, BuildSocial offers tailored influencer strategies to drive engagement and trust.


IceTulip is a B2B influencer marketing agency specializing in influencer collaborations for B2B brands. They maintain a network of 1,200+ B2B influencers, contributing to their industry significance. IceTulip primarily collaborates with B2B professionals and industry experts. Their revenue streams include brand partnerships and influencer campaigns. B2B brand owners seeking to establish industry authority and engage with niche B2B audiences can leverage IceTulip for impactful influencer strategies.

The Portal Agency

The Portal Agency is a B2B influencer marketing agency known for its creative influencer campaigns. They have a substantial network of 900+ B2B influencers, making them a significant player in the industry. The Portal Agency primarily collaborates with B2B influencers skilled in creative content creation. Their revenue comes from brand partnerships and sponsored content. For B2B brand owners seeking to create engaging and authentic content with influencers, The Portal Agency provides a platform for creative excellence, driving brand differentiation and engagement.

Online Digital X

Online Digital X is a B2B influencer marketing agency specializing in influencer collaborations for B2B brands. They collaborate with a diverse network of B2B influencers, offering versatility to B2B brand campaigns. Online Digital X generates income through brand partnerships and influencer campaigns. B2B brand owners can leverage their influencer network to effectively engage with B2B audiences and enhance brand visibility.


URALA is a B2B influencer marketing agency known for its expertise in influencer strategies for B2B brands. They have a significant network of 1,000+ B2B influencers, contributing to their industry significance. URALA primarily collaborates with B2B professionals and experts. Revenue generation is through brand partnerships and influencer campaigns. For B2B brand owners looking to establish industry authority and engage with specific B2B audiences, URALA offers tailored influencer approaches to drive engagement and trust.

B2B Influencer Marketing Agency

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What is a B2B influencer marketing agency?

A B2B influencer marketing agency is a specialized firm that connects businesses with influencers in the B2B space for promotional campaigns. Unlike B2C-focused agencies, they concentrate on relationships and engagements within business communities, utilizing influencers who have a professional credibility and expertise in specific industries.

How does a B2B influencer marketing agency differ from a B2C influencer agency?

A B2B influencer marketing agency focuses on building relationships and creating content for business audiences, contrasting with B2C agencies that target the general consumer market. They emphasize industry knowledge and professional influence, rather than mass appeal and popularity.

What services are typically offered by B2B influencer marketing agencies?

B2B influencer marketing agencies typically offer services such as identifying and engaging industry-specific influencers, developing content strategies, and managing B2B influencer campaigns. They specialize in understanding the nuances of the business-to-business market and tailoring campaigns to this audience.

Can all industries benefit from a B2B influencer marketing agency?

Most industries can benefit, but those with complex products or services and longer sales cycles, like technology or manufacturing, will find B2B influencer marketing agencies particularly beneficial. These agencies are adept at targeting niche business audiences and influencing industry decision-makers.

What factors should be considered when choosing a B2B influencer marketing agency?

When choosing a B2B influencer marketing agency, consider their experience in your specific industry, the strength and relevance of their influencer network, their track record in campaign success, and their approach to content and strategy development. Ensure their capabilities align with your business goals.

How do B2B influencer marketing agencies measure the success of their campaigns?

B2B influencer marketing agencies measure success using metrics such as engagement rates within professional communities, lead generation, conversion rates, and the overall impact on business relationships and sales. They focus on outcomes that demonstrate tangible value to B2B clients.


In conclusion, B2B influencer marketing agencies play a vital role in connecting business-to-business brands with industry experts and thought leaders. Their ability to leverage niche influencers within specific sectors enhances brand credibility and engagement. As the B2B landscape continues to evolve, these agencies provide an essential bridge for brand owners to navigate and succeed in building trust, authority, and meaningful connections within their respective industries.

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