Feb 11, 2024

Social Media Manager – How to Find One for Your Brand

Social Media Manager

A social media manager is an individual responsible for overseeing a brand’s presence on social media platforms. They create, schedule, and analyze content, engage with followers, and monitor trends. Social media managers can be beneficial to brand owners by enhancing brand visibility, increasing audience engagement, and driving website traffic. 

According to a study by The Manifest, 86% of brand owners believe social media is crucial for their business success, highlighting the significance of social media content managers in today’s digital landscape.

This article provides insight into what a social media manager is, what their tasks are, what skills they need and how you can work with one as a brand. Next, we discuss how much social media managers make, discuss how you should pay them and finally, answer some frequently asked questions (FAQs).

Social Media Manager

Table of Contents

What is a Social Media Manager? 

A social media manager oversees a brand’s presence on social platforms. They enhance brand visibility, engage with followers, and monitor trends. They can help brand owners promote products/brands by strategizing content, increasing audience engagement, and driving website traffic.

Now, let’s discuss the different tasks of a social media manager.

What are the Tasks of a Social Media Manager?

Social media management encompasses various tasks crucial for brand success. Content creation, audience engagement, analytics tracking, campaign management, hashtag research, community building, crisis management, and ad campaigns form integral parts. Together, they ensure consistent brand relevance, foster audience interaction, provide actionable insights, optimize campaigns, enhance discoverability, nurture brand loyalty, manage crises effectively, and drive measurable results, ultimately contributing to brand growth and profitability.

Content Creation

The task involves developing engaging posts and visuals. It is performed regularly, often scheduled weekly or monthly. Content creation maintains brand relevance and attracts audience attention, ultimately driving brand awareness and customer engagement.

Audience Engagement

This task entails responding to comments, messages, and mentions. It is performed daily, ensuring timely interactions with the audience. Audience engagement fosters a sense of community, builds brand trust, and encourages customer loyalty, benefiting brand owners through increased brand advocacy and positive word-of-mouth.

Analytics Tracking

This task includes monitoring and analyzing social media performance metrics. It is typically done weekly or monthly. Analytics tracking provides valuable insights into audience behavior, content effectiveness, and campaign ROI, enabling brand owners to make data-driven decisions and optimize their social media strategies for better results.

Campaign Management

This task involves planning, executing, and optimizing social media campaigns. It is performed intermittently, depending on campaign schedules and objectives. Campaign management aligns marketing efforts with business goals, drives product/service awareness, and generates leads or sales, ultimately contributing to brand growth and profitability.

Hashtag Research

This task involves researching and selecting relevant hashtags for posts. It is performed periodically, especially when creating new content or launching campaigns. Hashtag research helps improve discoverability, expand reach, and connect with target audiences, amplifying brand visibility and engagement on social media platforms.

Community Building

This task includes nurturing relationships with followers and industry influencers. It is an ongoing effort, requiring consistent engagement and networking. Community building fosters brand loyalty, generates user-generated content, and enhances brand credibility, empowering brand owners to cultivate a dedicated and supportive online community around their brand.

Crisis Management

This task entails handling negative feedback, controversies, or PR crises on social media. It is performed reactively as needed. Crisis management involves swift and empathetic responses, transparent communication, and damage control strategies to protect brand reputation and mitigate potential fallout, safeguarding brand integrity and trust among consumers.

Ad Campaigns

This task involves creating and managing paid advertising campaigns on social media platforms. It is executed based on campaign objectives and budget allocation. Ad campaigns enable targeted audience reach, drive traffic, conversions, and sales, providing brand owners with measurable results and a competitive edge in the digital advertising landscape.

Now that we know the different tasks of a social media manager, let’s discuss the skills you’ll need to accomplish these tasks. 

What Skills Does a Social Media Manager Need? 

Social media managers are essential for brand success, leveraging a range of skills. Creativity produces engaging content, while analytical skills drive data-driven decisions. Effective communication fosters relationships, and adaptability ensures relevance in a rapidly changing landscape. These skills, along with strategic thinking and technical proficiency, maximize brand impact and ROI. This is all something that JoinBrands can help you with.


Creativity is the ability to generate original ideas and solutions. According to a LinkedIn survey, it’s the most in-demand soft skill. A social media content manager’s creativity is vital for content creation and campaign ideation, helping to produce engaging posts and visuals. Brands benefit from a creative social media manager by standing out in crowded feeds and capturing audience attention effectively, ultimately enhancing brand awareness and engagement.

Analytical Skills

Analytical skills involve the ability to interpret data and draw meaningful conclusions. They are crucial in making informed decisions. A social media community manager’s analytical skills aid in tracking and analyzing performance metrics, providing valuable insights into audience behavior and content effectiveness. Brands benefit from these skills by enabling data-driven decision-making, optimizing strategies for better results, and ultimately maximizing ROI on social media investments.


Communication is the ability to convey information effectively. It is essential for fostering relationships and conveying brand messages. A social media manager’s communication skills are utilized in engaging with followers, responding to inquiries, and crafting compelling copy. Brands benefit from clear and concise communication as it enhances brand credibility, builds trust with the audience, and fosters positive brand perception, ultimately leading to increased brand loyalty and advocacy.


Adaptability is the ability to adjust to new circumstances and challenges. In the fast-paced world of social media, things can change rapidly. A social media manager’s adaptability allows them to stay ahead of trends, algorithm changes, and emerging platforms. Brands benefit from an adaptable certified social media manager who can pivot strategies quickly, seize opportunities, and navigate challenges effectively, ensuring continuous growth and relevance in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Time Management

Time management involves the ability to prioritize tasks and allocate resources efficiently. Social media management requires juggling multiple responsibilities and deadlines. A social media content manager’s strong time management skills enable them to schedule content, respond to messages promptly, and meet campaign deadlines. Brands benefit from a time-efficient social media manager who ensures consistent and timely content delivery, maximizing engagement opportunities and maintaining brand presence effectively.


Problem-solving is the ability to identify issues and develop effective solutions. In social media, challenges such as negative feedback or technical issues may arise. A social media manager’s problem-solving skills equip them to address issues swiftly, mitigate crises, and maintain brand reputation. Brands benefit from a social media content manager who can troubleshoot problems efficiently, minimizing potential damage and preserving brand integrity, ultimately safeguarding long-term success.

Strategic Thinking

Strategic thinking involves the ability to plan and execute actions in alignment with overarching goals. It is essential for developing effective social media strategies. A social media manager’s strategic thinking skills enable them to set clear objectives, identify target audiences, and determine the best channels and tactics to achieve desired outcomes. Brands benefit from a strategically-minded social media community manager who can drive focused efforts towards business objectives, maximize ROI, and adapt strategies for long-term success in a competitive landscape.

Technical Proficiency

Technical proficiency refers to the understanding and proficiency in using social media platforms, analytics tools, and content creation software. With the proliferation of digital tools, a social media manager’s technical proficiency is essential for navigating platforms, analyzing data effectively, and creating engaging content. Brands benefit from a technically skilled social media content manager who can leverage advanced features, optimize campaigns, and stay updated on emerging trends and technologies, ensuring a competitive edge and innovative approaches in social media marketing efforts.

Now, let’s discuss how to work with a social media manager as a brand.

How to Work with a Social Media Manager as a Brand 

1. Defining Objectives

The collaboration starts with setting clear objectives for the social media strategy. This is vital for the brand as it outlines the goals, such as increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or improving customer engagement. For the social media manager, understanding these objectives is crucial for developing targeted strategies. Effectively achieving this step involves joint discussions to ensure that the goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

2. Identifying the Target Audience

Understanding who the brand is trying to reach is the next step. For the brand, this ensures that the content and campaigns are designed to appeal to the people most likely to be interested in their products or services. For the social media manager, knowing the target audience helps tailor the content strategy to engage these individuals effectively. This step can be achieved through audience research, analyzing demographics, interests, and behaviors to create detailed personas.

3. Choosing the Right Platforms

Selecting the appropriate social media platforms is essential. For the brand, this decision affects where to allocate resources to reach their target audience effectively. For the social media manager, it dictates where to focus their content creation and engagement efforts. This step is effectively achieved by evaluating the brand’s audience and matching it with the demographic profiles of different social media platforms.

4. Developing a Content Strategy

Creating a comprehensive content strategy is crucial. For the brand, it ensures a consistent and cohesive message across all social media channels. For the social media manager, a content strategy provides a clear plan for what type of content to post, when to post it, and how it aligns with the brand’s objectives. This involves planning a mix of content types, such as images, videos, and blog posts, that resonate with the target audience.

5. Establishing a Publishing Schedule

Maintaining a consistent posting schedule is key to keeping the audience engaged. For the brand, it helps in building a steady online presence. For the social media manager, a publishing schedule aids in organizing content to be shared at optimal times for engagement. This step can be effectively managed using social media scheduling tools to automate posts according to the strategy.

6. Monitoring Engagement

Actively monitoring engagement is necessary for understanding the audience’s reaction. For the brand, this feedback can inform product development and customer service strategies. For the social media manager, monitoring likes, comments, and shares helps gauge content performance and adjust strategies accordingly. This involves using social media analytics tools to track engagement metrics.

7. Responding to Feedback

Engaging with the audience by responding to comments, messages, and reviews is essential. For the brand, this interaction builds relationships and loyalty. For the social media manager, timely responses are crucial for managing the brand’s online reputation. Achieving this effectively requires setting up processes for prompt and appropriate responses to different types of feedback.

8. Analyzing Performance

Regular analysis of social media performance against the set objectives is critical. For the brand, this evaluation helps in understanding the ROI of social media efforts. For the social media manager, analyzing metrics such as reach, engagement, and conversion rates is essential for refining strategies. This step involves using analytics tools to compile data and report on performance.

9. Adjusting Strategies Based on Insights

Adapting the social media strategy based on performance insights is necessary for continuous improvement. For the brand, this agility can lead to better results over time. For the social media manager, making informed adjustments to content, timing, and engagement tactics is key to maximizing effectiveness. This requires a willingness to experiment and adapt based on data.

10. Continuous Learning and Development

Staying updated with the latest social media trends and best practices is vital for ongoing success. For the brand, this ensures that social media efforts remain relevant and competitive. For the social media manager, continuous learning is crucial for leveraging new tools, features, and strategies to keep the brand’s social media presence dynamic. This can be achieved through regular training, attending conferences, and participating in professional networks.

By following these steps, brands can foster a productive and effective working relationship with social media managers, ensuring that social media strategies are well-planned, executed, and adjusted for optimum performance.

Now, let’s discuss how much a social media manager makes. 

How Much Does a Social Media Manager Make? 

A social media manager’s salary can vary based on several factors.

Company Size and Location

The size and location of the company significantly impact a social media manager’s salary. Large corporations and businesses located in major cities tend to offer higher salaries compared to small businesses or companies in rural areas. This is often due to differences in cost of living and the scale of operations, which affect budget allocation for salaries.

Level of Experience

A social media community manager’s salary is heavily influenced by their level of experience. Entry-level managers typically earn lower salaries compared to those with several years of experience in the field. As managers gain more experience and expertise, they become more valuable to employers, leading to higher compensation packages.

Industry and Niche

The industry in which a social media content manager works can significantly affect their salary. Sectors such as technology, finance, and healthcare tend to offer higher salaries compared to industries like non-profit or education. Additionally, specializing in a particular niche within an industry can also impact salary, with high-demand niches commanding higher pay.

Specialized Skills and Certifications

Social media managers with specialized skills such as data analysis, graphic design, or proficiency in specific platforms may command higher salaries. Additionally, holding relevant certifications or advanced degrees in marketing or digital media can increase earning potential. Employers value these additional skills and qualifications, recognizing their importance in driving successful social media campaigns and strategies.

As a baseline, this table depicts how much different social media managers can generally make based on their experience level. 

Experience LevelSalary Range (per year)
Entry-Level$40,000 – $60,000
Mid-Level$60,000 – $80,000
Senior-Level$80,000 – $100,000+

Now, let’s discuss how you should compensate social media managers. 

How to Compensate Social Media Managers as a Brand

Creating a comprehensive and fair compensation plan for social media managers is crucial for attracting and retaining skilled professionals who can effectively amplify a brand’s presence on social media. The plan should reflect the social media manager’s experience, the scope of their responsibilities, and the value they bring to the brand. Here’s a detailed approach:

1. Competitive Base Salary

Objective: Ensure financial stability and acknowledge the professional’s foundational role in managing the brand’s social media presence.

Implementation: Research industry standards for social media manager positions across similar industries and regions to establish a competitive base salary. Consider factors like the size of the brand, the complexity of the social media strategy, and the manager’s experience and qualifications. Regularly review and adjust the base salary to reflect changes in market conditions and the manager’s evolving role.

2. Performance Bonuses

Objective: Motivate the social media manager to meet and exceed specific performance targets that align with the brand’s goals.

Implementation: Define clear, measurable objectives such as growth in followers, engagement rates, or conversion metrics attributed to social media campaigns. Offer bonuses for achieving these targets, with the potential for higher bonuses for exceptional performance that significantly exceeds expectations.

3. Profit Sharing Plans

Objective: Align the social media manager’s incentives with the company’s financial success, fostering a sense of ownership and investment in the brand’s growth.

Implementation: Develop a profit-sharing scheme that offers a percentage of profits directly attributable to social media efforts, ensuring the manager benefits from the tangible results of their work. This requires clear metrics to measure the impact of social media on sales or other revenue streams.

4. Benefits Package

Objective: Provide a comprehensive benefits package to support the manager’s health, well-being, and financial security.

Implementation: Include health insurance, dental and vision coverage, retirement savings plans, and paid time off. Tailor the package to match or exceed industry standards and consider adding benefits that are specifically valuable to social media professionals, such as allowances for tech upgrades or subscriptions to industry-related publications and services.

5. Continuing Education and Professional Development

Objective: Encourage ongoing learning and skill development to keep the social media manager at the forefront of industry trends and best practices.

Implementation: Allocate a budget for attending conferences, workshops, and courses relevant to social media marketing and digital trends. Consider covering costs for certification programs that enhance the manager’s expertise and directly benefit the brand’s social media strategy.

6. Flexible Working Conditions

Objective: Acknowledge the unique demands of managing social media, which often requires attention outside of traditional office hours.

Implementation: Offer flexible working hours or the option to work remotely, recognizing the need for the social media manager to engage with the community at various times. Ensure that the manager has access to the necessary tools and platforms to manage social media effectively from any location.

7. Equipment and Software

Objective: Ensure the social media manager has access to the latest technology and software to efficiently manage the brand’s social media presence.

Implementation: Provide a budget for hardware (e.g., laptops, smartphones) and subscriptions to essential software and platforms (e.g., social media management tools, analytics services) required for effective social media management.

8. Regular Compensation Reviews

Objective: Regularly assess and adjust the compensation package to remain competitive and reflect the social media manager’s contributions and the evolving scope of their role.

Implementation: Conduct annual reviews of the compensation package, including base salary, bonuses, and benefits. Adjust based on performance, changes in responsibilities, and prevailing industry standards.

9. Recognition Programs

Objective: Acknowledge and reward exceptional work and creative initiatives that significantly enhance the brand’s social media presence.

Implementation: Develop a recognition program that highlights significant achievements and contributions to the brand’s success on social media. This could include internal awards, public acknowledgment, or special rewards such as additional paid time off or experiences.

10. Customizable Compensation Elements

Objective: Offer flexibility within the compensation plan to cater to the social media manager’s preferences and needs.

Implementation: Provide options within the compensation package, allowing the manager to choose between a higher base salary and more significant bonuses, additional health benefits, or more substantial professional development support based on their personal and professional priorities.

This detailed compensation plan combines monetary rewards with benefits and opportunities for growth, tailored to attract and retain skilled social media managers by recognizing their value and supporting their professional development and well-being.

Now, let’s discuss some frequently asked questions (FAQs). 

Social Media Manager

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Which platforms do social media content  managers typically use?

Social media managers commonly utilize platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok. These platforms vary in audience and content style, unlike specialized forums that cater to niche interests.

What skills are essential for a social media manager?

Essential skills include content creation, marketing strategy, analytics, and customer service. These skills enable effective online engagement, contrasting with the technical skills required for IT roles.

How do social media managers measure success?

Success is measured through metrics like engagement rates, follower growth, and conversion rates. These quantitative measures are crucial for assessing the impact of social media efforts, as opposed to subjective assessments of content quality.

Can small businesses benefit from hiring a social media community manager?

Yes, small businesses can significantly benefit from hiring a social media manager to enhance online visibility, engage with a targeted audience, and drive sales, offering a competitive edge similar to larger corporations.

What is the difference between a certified social media manager and a community manager?

A social media content manager focuses on content strategy and brand message across platforms, while a community manager engages directly with the community, handling responses and fostering a brand community, emphasizing interaction over content creation.

How often should a social media manager post content?

The frequency depends on the platform and audience, but a consistent schedule is key. For instance, daily posts might be effective on Twitter, while a few times a week could suffice on Instagram, balancing visibility with audience engagement.

What role does a social media manager play in crisis management?

They play a critical role in monitoring online sentiment, addressing negative feedback promptly, and communicating transparently with the audience, essential for maintaining or restoring brand reputation during crises.

How does a social media manager stay updated with trends?

They stay updated by following industry news, participating in professional groups, and using social media analytics tools. This continuous learning is vital for adapting strategies to evolving digital landscapes.

What impact does social media management have on sales?

Effective social media management can significantly boost sales by enhancing brand visibility, engaging with potential customers, and directing traffic to sales channels, demonstrating the direct link between online presence and revenue generation.

How can one become a social media manager?

Becoming a social media manager typically requires a combination of education in marketing or communications, practical experience with social media platforms, and a track record of successful social media campaigns, highlighting the importance of both formal training and hands-on experience.


In conclusion, the role of a social media manager is pivotal in navigating the complex, ever-evolving landscape of digital platforms. By leveraging skills in content creation, analytics, and strategic planning, they bridge the gap between brands and their audiences. As the digital world grows, so does the demand for these creative, analytical professionals, underscoring their indispensable place in modern marketing strategies.

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