Dec 04, 2023

Find Health Influencers – A-Z Guide, Criteria, Precautions, Pros, FAQs

Find Health Influencers

Health influencing involves individuals promoting and encouraging positive health behaviors. According to a survey conducted by Healthline Media, 44% of people with a health condition value the advice or opinion of a health influencer, and among those who value them, an overwhelming 98% value and 99% trust their advice. Brand owners benefit by collaborating with health influencers to authentically promote their products, tapping into a health-conscious audience and fostering trust in their brand.

JoinBrands enables you to easily connect with health influencers to promote your brand and products. You can define your requirements through its filters to find health influencers that align best with your brand values. 

This article guides through finding health influencers using JoinBrands in 6 steps as well as 5 other methods. We also have a complete 9-step health influencer marketing guide. It highlights 10 key traits of a good influencer, outlines 10 precautions when collaborating, and discusses 5 benefits of such partnerships. FAQs and a conclusion offer additional insights.

Now we will answer: How to Find Health Influencers. 

Find Health Influencers

What is a Health Influencer? 

Health influencers are individuals with expertise in promoting and encouraging positive health behaviors. Their attributes include knowledge in nutrition, fitness, and wellness, creating impactful content. Three types of health influencers include fitness trainers, nutritionists, and lifestyle coaches, each specializing in unique aspects of well-being. Collaborating with health influencers can benefit brand owners by fostering authenticity, reaching a health-conscious audience, building trust, and enhancing brand credibility.

Here are the three types of health influencers that can help your brand grow:

  1. Health Fitness Trainers: Individuals specialized in creating fitness routines and guiding exercise programs, ideal for brands in the fitness, sports, and activewear industries.
  2. Health Nutritionists: Experts in dietary planning and nutrition, suited for brands in the food, wellness, and dietary supplement sectors.
  3. Health Lifestyle Coaches: Professionals providing holistic well-being guidance, beneficial for brands in the wellness, beauty, and self-care domains.

Now, we will discuss how to find these types of health influencers, with JoinBrands being one of the best methods, along with other effective approaches.

6 Methods to Find Health Influencers

In this section, we will discuss some of the other methods to find health influencers. We will include the overview, tools used and step by step procedure so you can promote your brand or sell products effectively through influencer marketing. 

Let’s review 6 methods in detail. 

Method 1: Finding Health Influencers with JoinBrands (Best & Most Recommended) 

JoinBrands offers a streamlined method for finding health influencers, catering specifically to brand owners. This platform allows you to seamlessly connect with health influencers that align best with your marketing goals.

Here are the 6 steps to find health Influencers using JoinBrands:

  1. Sign Up on JoinBrands: Register as a brand.
  2. Start a Campaign: Choose between ‘UGC Images: Content Only’ for health images and ‘UGC Videos: Content Only’ for health videos.
  3. Add Product Information: Include details like type, name, price, industry, and an external link, along with an image.
  4. Choose Delivery Option: Decide between reimbursement or direct delivery to health influencers.
  5. Customize Creator Demographics: Select specific health influencer demographics like gender, age, and ethnicity.
  6. Review and Create Your Campaign: Finalize your choices and launch the health campaign.

The significance of this method lies in its customization capabilities, enabling brand owners to precisely target the types of health influencers that align best with their brand’s image and audience.

In order to have a step by step (image based guide) to find health influencers on JoinBrands, click here

Now we will look at the next item on the list, finding health influencers on other influencer marketing platforms.

Method 2: Utilizing Influencer Marketing Platforms for Finding Health Influencers

In this method, brand owners can leverage dedicated influencer marketing platforms, such as JoinBrands, to streamline the process of identifying and connecting with health influencers. These platforms offer a centralized space where brands can easily discover health influencers, assess their profiles, and initiate collaborations.

Here are the 4 steps to find health influencers using this method:

  1. Sign up on reputable influencer marketing platforms.
  2. Create a brand profile, specifying health and wellness as your niche.
  3. Explore health influencer profiles, considering factors like follower count and engagement rates.
  4. Initiate collaborations with health influencers aligned with your brand values.

This method is significant for brand owners as it provides a structured and efficient approach to discovering and connecting with health influencers, ensuring a targeted and impactful outreach.

Now we will look at the next item on the list.

Method 3: Discovering Health Influencers Through Social Media Searches

Social media searches involve exploring relevant hashtags and platforms to discover health influencers actively sharing content aligned with your brand’s wellness goals. This method allows brand owners to tap into the organic and dynamic landscape of social media for authentic health influencer discoveries.

Here are the 4 steps to find health influencers using this method:

  1. Identify relevant hashtags related to health and wellness.
  2. Search for these hashtags on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok.
  3. Explore content from health influencers using these hashtags.
  4. Reach out to potential health influencers with aligned values.

This method is significant for brand owners as it enables them to discover influencers organically within the social media spaces where their target audience is actively engaged.

Now, let’s move on to the next method.

Method 4: Establishing Connections Through Networking at Industry Events

Networking at industry events involves attending health and wellness gatherings to establish direct connections with health influencers. Engaging actively in networking sessions, approaching health influencers with genuine interest, and exchanging contact information can lead to valuable collaborations.

Here are the 4 steps to find health influencers using this method:

  1. Attend health and wellness conferences, seminars, and events.
  2. Engage in networking sessions to meet health influencers personally.
  3. Approach health influencers with genuine interest in their work.
  4. Exchange contact information for future collaboration discussions.

This method is significant for brand owners as it provides a personal and direct approach to building relationships with health influencers in the industry.

Now, let’s explore the next method.

Method 5: Referring to Online Directories for Curated Lists of Health Influencers

Online directories specific to health influencers curate lists based on various criteria, offering brand owners a quick and efficient way to discover potential collaborators with established credibility.

Here are the 4 steps to find health influencers using this method:

  1. Search for online directories focusing on health and wellness influencers.
  2. Use filters to refine options based on criteria like niche, engagement, and audience.
  3. Review health influencer profiles on the directory.
  4. Identify potential collaborators and explore their content.

This method is significant for brand owners as it provides a curated and verified selection of health influencers, saving time in the discovery process.

Now, let’s proceed to the final method.

Method 6: Leveraging Customer Recommendations for Health Influencer Discovery

Monitoring customer feedback and reviews can help brand owners identify health influencers recommended by their audience. Engaging with customer reviews, identifying health influencers mentioned, and assessing their fit with the brand’s values ensure authenticity in collaborations.

Here are the 4 steps to find health influencers using this method:

  1. Monitor customer feedback on social media and review platforms.
  2. Identify health influencers recommended by your audience.
  3. Assess health influencers for alignment with your brand values.
  4. Initiate collaborations with trusted and recommended health influencers.

This method is significant for brand owners as it leverages the authentic voice of their audience to identify health influencers already appreciated and trusted within their community.

Now that we’ve covered all the methods, brand owners can choose the approach that best aligns with their goals and resources.

The Complete Health Influencer Marketing Guide (9 Easy Steps)

To build a successful health influencer brand, identify your health-conscious audience, define a unique value proposition, and research competitors for market insights. Leverage your expertise, create authentic content, and engage with your audience actively. Collaborate with like-minded brands, measure performance through analytics, and adapt to emerging trends. For instance, a sustainable skincare brand could differentiate itself with organic practices, engaging content, and collaborations promoting environmental wellness.

1. Identify Your Audience

Recognize the demographic and psychographic characteristics of individuals interested in health and wellness. Utilize surveys, social media analytics, or market research to understand their preferences. A natural skincare brand may target environmentally conscious consumers seeking organic beauty solutions.

2. Define Your Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

Clearly articulate what makes your health brand stand out, emphasizing its unique offerings.

Highlight distinctive features such as organic ingredients, sustainable practices, or innovative approaches. A boutique gym could differentiate itself by offering personalized training programs and state-of-the-art equipment.

3. Research Competitors

Analyze other health influencers in your niche to identify gaps or opportunities in the market.

Study successful health influencers and evaluate their content, engagement strategies, and branding approaches. In the mental health niche, a therapist specializing in stress management could explore unique meditation techniques.

4. Leverage Your Expertise

Showcase your health-related knowledge and credentials to establish authority.

Display certifications, degrees, or relevant experiences that demonstrate expertise. A registered dietitian may emphasize their nutrition qualifications when promoting a customized meal plan service.

5. Craft Authentic Content

Develop genuine and relatable content that resonates with your health-conscious audience.

Share personal health journeys, success stories, or insights to connect on a deeper level. A health influencer focusing on at-home workouts might share their weight loss journey and transformation photos.

6. Engage with Your Audience

Foster a two-way communication channel with your health-focused followers.

Respond promptly to comments, conduct polls on preferred content, and actively participate in discussions. A wellness coach may engage their audience by hosting weekly live sessions to address health-related queries.

7. Collaborate with Like-minded Brands

Partner with brands that align with your health and wellness values and target audience.

Ensure collaborations enhance credibility and provide mutual benefits to both brands. A sustainable living blogger might collaborate with an eco-friendly yoga mat brand to promote eco-conscious fitness.

8. Measure and Analyze Performance

Use analytics tools to track the performance of your health content across platforms.

Assess engagement, reach, and conversion metrics to refine and optimize your content strategy. A fitness podcaster could analyze listener demographics and episode download statistics to tailor future episodes.

9. Adapt and Evolve

Stay informed about emerging health trends and evolving audience preferences.

Continuously adapt your health content and strategy to remain relevant and meet audience needs. A mental wellness advocate might incorporate mindfulness practices trending on social media into their content to stay current.

Now that we know how an influencer marketing campaign for a health influencer on platforms like YouTube works, we will explore what makes a successful health influencer.

What makes a Good Health Influencer? (10 Things to Consider to Find the Right Health Influencer)

A successful health influencer is characterized by authenticity, credible credentials, and strong engagement metrics. Consistency in messaging, relevance to the target audience, and transparent collaborations build trust. Diverse content, adherence to ethical standards, and effective communication skills contribute to a compelling brand. Staying informed and updated ensures accuracy. Conversely, health influencers lacking credentials, engagement, or ethical standards may compromise credibility, emphasizing the importance of thorough vetting.

1. Authenticity

Authenticity refers to genuine and transparent communication about health-related content.

It builds trust with the audience, as they seek reliable information and sincere connections. A fitness influencer shares personal health struggles and triumphs, fostering a relatable and authentic brand. On the contrary, a health influencer who promotes unverified health products without personal experience risks losing credibility and trust.

2. Credible Credentials

Credible credentials showcase the health influencer’s qualifications, certifications, and expertise.

They provide assurance to the audience regarding the health influencer’s knowledge and proficiency. A nutritionist displaying relevant degrees and certifications establishes credibility in offering dietary advice. Conversely, a health influencer lacking relevant qualifications might give misguided health tips, risking the audience’s well-being.

3. Engagement Metrics

Engagement metrics, including likes, comments, and shares, reflect the audience’s interaction with health content. High engagement indicates resonance and impact, showcasing a strong connection with followers. A wellness influencer with active discussions and high comment rates demonstrates audience engagement. In contrast, a health influencer with low interaction may struggle to connect, possibly lacking genuine audience interest.

4. Consistency in Messaging

Consistency in messaging involves aligning health content with the health influencer’s established brand image and values. It reinforces the brand’s identity and helps in building a recognizable and trustworthy image. A mental health advocate consistently promoting mindfulness aligns with their established brand identity. On the flip side, inconsistency, such as promoting conflicting health practices, can confuse and alienate the audience.

5. Relevance to Target Audience

Relevance to the target audience ensures that health content addresses their specific needs and interests. It fosters a strong connection, as the audience feels the health influencer understands and caters to their concerns. A fitness influencer tailors workout routines to meet the needs of busy professionals, resonating with their target audience. Conversely, a health influencer creating content unrelated to the audience’s health concerns may struggle to retain followers.

6. Transparency in Collaborations

Transparency in collaborations involves openly communicating partnerships with brands or products. It maintains trust by disclosing sponsored content and potential conflicts of interest. A health influencer transparently discloses their collaboration with a wellness brand, maintaining credibility. On the contrary, a health influencer who promotes a product without transparency may be perceived as deceptive, risking trust.

7. Diversity in Content

Diversity in content refers to offering a variety of health-related topics to cater to a broad audience. It keeps the content engaging, preventing monotony and appealing to diverse health interests. A wellness blogger covers mental health, nutrition, and fitness, offering a well-rounded content mix. Conversely, a health influencer exclusively focusing on one health aspect may alienate those interested in a broader health spectrum.

8. Adherence to Ethical Standards

Adherence to ethical standards involves promoting health practices that adhere to industry guidelines and regulations. It protects the audience from potential harm and legal implications. A fitness influencer avoids endorsing unapproved supplements, aligning with ethical health standards. In contrast, a health influencer promoting potentially harmful health practices disregards ethical considerations, jeopardizing their audience’s well-being.

9. Effective Communication Skills

Effective communication skills are crucial for conveying health information clearly and persuasively. They ensure the audience comprehends and is motivated to adopt positive health behaviors. A health influencer communicates complex medical information in a clear and accessible manner. Conversely, a health influencer with unclear communication may lead to misunderstandings, potentially causing harm.

10. Staying Informed and Updated

Staying informed and updated involves keeping abreast of the latest health trends, research, and industry developments. It ensures the health influencer provides accurate and relevant information to their audience. A nutritionist regularly updates health recommendations based on the latest scientific studies. On the flip side, a health influencer who neglects staying informed may share outdated or inaccurate health advice, risking credibility.

Now that we know what makes a good health influencer, let’s explore essential precautions when working with them.

Find Health Influencers

10 Things to Take Care of While Working with Health Influencers  (Necessary Precautions) 

When working with health influencers, ensure rigorous vetting of credentials and engagement metrics, define clear collaboration terms, and assess brand alignment for effective partnerships. Transparency in content, diverse platform presence, and reviewing past content uphold brand credibility. Monitor content quality, consider long-term relationships, and stay informed on industry trends for sustained impact. Neglecting these precautions may lead to credibility issues, misaligned messaging, and potential harm to your brand’s reputation.

1. Vet Credibility

Thoroughly vet the health influencer’s credentials, ensuring they possess genuine qualifications. It prevents potential misinformation and protects your brand’s reputation. Neglecting this precaution may lead to association with unqualified health advice, harming your brand’s trust. For instance, a fitness brand collaborating with a self-proclaimed nutritionist without proper credentials risks damage to its reputation.

2. Verify Engagement Authenticity

Verify the authenticity of the health influencer’s engagement metrics to ensure genuine audience interactions. Genuine engagement fosters trust, while fake metrics can mislead and impact campaign effectiveness. Failure to verify may result in inflated metrics, leading to misguided marketing decisions. In a wellness campaign, relying on a health influencer with purchased followers may result in a misleading portrayal of audience reach.

3. Understand Collaboration Terms

Clearly understand and define collaboration terms, including content guidelines, timelines, and compensation. Clarity prevents misunderstandings and sets expectations for both parties. Failing to establish clear terms may lead to disputes and unmet expectations, affecting the success of your health campaign. An ambiguity in collaboration terms with a fitness influencer could result in misaligned content and delivery, impacting campaign goals.

4. Evaluate Brand Alignment

Evaluate the health influencer’s brand alignment with your product or service. It ensures compatibility and resonance with your target audience. Overlooking alignment may result in a disjointed campaign, diluting the effectiveness of your health-related brand message. An alignment mismatch, like a vegan influencer promoting a non-vegan product, may confuse and alienate the target audience.

5. Assess Transparency Practices

Assess the health influencer’s transparency practices, especially regarding sponsored content and collaborations. Transparent communication builds trust with the audience. Neglecting transparency may lead to audience skepticism, eroding the credibility of your health-related brand. A health influencer failing to disclose a paid partnership with your wellness brand risks audience distrust and backlash.

6. Diversify Platform Presence

Diversify your health influencer partnerships across multiple platforms to reach a broader audience. It enhances brand visibility and extends the impact of your health-related messaging.

Relying solely on one platform may limit your campaign’s reach and effectiveness. For example, a fitness brand exclusively partnering with a health influencer on Instagram may miss out on potential audiences on other platforms.

7. Review Past Content

Review the health influencer’s past content to ensure it aligns with your brand values. Consistency in messaging is crucial for brand credibility. Ignoring past content may lead to associations with conflicting health messages, potentially harming your brand’s reputation. A wellness brand overlooking a health influencer’s past endorsement of controversial health products risks negative associations.

8. Monitor Content Quality

Monitor the quality of health-related content to ensure it meets your brand standards. High-quality content enhances brand perception and engagement. Ignoring content quality may result in subpar health-related messaging, diminishing the overall impact on your target audience. A collaboration with a fitness influencer producing low-quality workout tutorials may compromise your brand’s commitment to excellence.

9. Consider Long-term Relationships

Consider building long-term relationships with health influencers rather than one-time collaborations. Long-term partnerships foster brand loyalty and sustained audience trust. Neglecting relationship-building may result in transactional engagements, missing the opportunity for continuous and deepened brand impact. A skincare brand collaborating sporadically with health influencers may miss out on establishing lasting connections with the health and beauty community.

10. Stay Informed on Industry Trends

Stay informed about current health and wellness industry trends. It ensures that your brand remains aligned with the latest developments. Neglecting industry trends may result in outdated health messaging, diminishing your brand’s relevance in the health and wellness landscape. A health influencer campaign unaware of emerging wellness trends may miss the opportunity to position your brand as forward-thinking.

Now that we have an idea of the precautions to take care of when finding a health influencer, let’s look at the benefits that a health influencer can have on your business/brand.

5 Benefits of Working with Health Influencers (Why Should You Even Partner?)

Partnering with health influencers offers brands enhanced visibility, credibility, and trust among target audiences. Increased engagement and conversations around your brand contribute to a strong online presence. Targeted marketing through health influencers ensures efficient resource allocation and higher ROI. The collaboration also elevates content quality, fostering a positive brand image. For instance, a skincare brand collaborating with a beauty influencer gains credibility and wider visibility among beauty enthusiasts.

1. Enhanced Brand Visibility

Enhanced brand visibility through partnerships with health influencers expands your reach to a wider, targeted audience. This can result in increased brand awareness, measured by metrics like impressions and reach. For instance, a skincare brand collaborating with a popular beauty influencer can achieve heightened visibility among beauty enthusiasts.

2. Credibility and Trust

Partnering with credible health influencers builds trust and credibility for your brand. This is reflected in positive associations and increased consumer confidence. For example, a fitness supplement brand endorsed by a reputable fitness influencer gains credibility, influencing consumer purchasing decisions.

3. Audience Engagement

Health influencers help drive audience engagement, leading to increased interaction and conversations around your brand. High engagement metrics, such as likes, comments, and shares, indicate a strong connection with your audience. An example is a nutrition brand collaborating with a wellness blogger, generating active discussions and inquiries about their products.

4. Targeted Marketing

Collaborating with health influencers enables targeted marketing to specific health-conscious demographics. This results in a more efficient allocation of marketing resources and a higher return on investment (ROI). A fitness apparel brand targeting yoga enthusiasts benefits from partnering with a renowned yoga instructor, ensuring precise audience targeting.

5. Content Credibility and Quality

Health influencers contribute to content credibility and quality, elevating your brand’s image. High-quality, authentic content resonates with audiences, fostering a positive perception. An example is a health food brand collaborating with a nutritionist influencer, delivering credible and valuable content that enhances the brand’s reputation.

Now that we have an idea of the benefits of finding a health influencer, let’s answer the most frequently asked questions to find a suitable one.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

How can I identify the right health influencers for my brand?

You can identify the right health influencers for your brand by utilizing analytics tools to identify influencers in the health niche. Look for those with high engagement, aligned values, and relevant credentials. Evaluate their audience demographics and past collaborations for a comprehensive understanding. Consider health influencers who resonate with your target audience’s health preferences.

What metrics should I consider when evaluating health influencers?

Metrics you should consider when evaluating health influencers include likes, comments, and shares. Evaluate follower demographics to ensure alignment with your brand. Assess the health influencer’s credibility through certifications and expertise. Consider the growth rate of their follower base for a sustainable partnership.

Why is transparency important in collaborations with health influencers?

Transparency is important in collaborations with health influencers because it builds trust with the audience. Clearly defined collaboration terms prevent misunderstandings. Disclosing sponsored content and partnerships maintains authenticity. Without transparency, your brand risks credibility issues and audience skepticism.

How do I ensure my brand message aligns with the health influencer’s content?

You can ensure that your brand message aligns with the health influencer’s content by reviewing the health influencer’s past content to ensure consistency. Assess their messaging to verify alignment with your brand values. Clearly communicate your brand’s message and expectations during collaboration. Neglecting alignment may lead to conflicting messages, affecting your brand’s reputation.


In conclusion, identifying the right health influencers involves a strategic approach. Utilize analytics tools, prioritize engagement metrics, and ensure transparency in collaborations. Align your brand message with influencer content, consider long-term partnerships, and measure success through relevant KPIs. By carefully navigating these steps, brands can leverage the power of health influencers to enhance visibility, credibility, and engagement, ultimately fostering lasting connections with their target audience.

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