Nov 29, 2023

How to Find Influencers in Instagram – Full Guide, Tips, FAQs & More

How to Find Influencers in Instagram

Instagram is a social media platform that allows users to share photos and videos. It has over 1 billion monthly active users and is one of the most successful social media platforms in the world. Instagram can help brand owners who are looking to promote/sell their products/brand by increasing awareness, building credibility, boosting sales, and elevating their brand profiles.

JoinBrands streamlines Instagram influencer discovery with transparent metrics. Authentic influencers amplify brand credibility, driving genuine audience engagement. Cost-effective collaborations ensure optimal ROI for brand owners on the platform.

This article outlines the best methods to find Instagram influencers. It includes 5 methods to find Instagram influencers, a 9-step Instagram influencer marketing guide, 4 things to see to find the right Instagram influencer, 4 necessary precautions to take care of while working with Instagram influencers, and 3 benefits of working with Instagram influencers. 

Now we will answer the main query: How to Find Influencers on Instagram.

How to Find Influencers in Instagram

Table of Contents

What is an Instagram Influencer?

Instagram influencers are social media personalities who provide recommendations and reviews of products and services via Instagram. 

Instagram influencers can customize their page on Instagram with a personalized URL, create content and recommend products to their audience, and earn competitive conversion rates that help maximize earnings. 

Instagram influencers can help brand owners who are looking to promote/sell their products/brand by increasing awareness, building credibility, boosting sales, and elevating their brand profiles. 

Here are the 4 types of Instagram influencers that can help your brand grow:

  1. Instagram Micro-influencers: These influencers have between 1,000 and 100,000 followers and are best suited for small businesses with a limited marketing budget.
  2. Instagram Macro-influencers: These influencers have between 100,000 and 1 million followers and are best suited for businesses looking to increase their brand awareness.
  3. Instagram Celebrity influencers: These influencers have more than 1 million followers and are best suited for businesses looking to reach a large audience.
  4. Instagram Nano-influencers: These influencers have between 1 and 1,000 followers and are best suited for businesses looking to target a specific niche.

Now, we will discuss how to find these types of Instagram influencers (best method with JoinBrands shared) along with a few other methods.

5 Ways to Find Instagram Influencers

In this section, we will discuss methods to find Instagram influencers. We will include the overview, tools used and step by step procedure so you can promote your brand or sell products effectively through influencer marketing. 

Let’s review the 5 methods in detail. 

Method 1: Finding Instagram Influencers with JoinBrands (Best & Most Recommended) 

JoinBrands offers a straightforward method to connect Instagram influencers with brands to market their products. You can find Instagram influencers that align with your brand goals through seamless filters such as content type, product details, and more. 

Here are the 6 steps to find Instagram Influencers using JoinBrands:

  1. Sign Up on JoinBrands: Register as a brand.
  2. Start a Campaign: Choose ‘Instagram reels’ 
  3. Add Product Information: Include details like type, name, price, industry, and an external link, along with an image for Instagram.
  4. Choose Delivery Option: Decide between reimbursement or direct delivery to Instagram influencers.
  5. Customize Creator Demographics: Select specific Instagram influencer demographics like gender, age, and ethnicity.
  6. Review and Create Your Campaign: Finalize your choices and launch the Instagram campaign.

The significance of this method lies in its customization capabilities, enabling brand owners to precisely target the types of influencers that align best with their brand’s image and audience.

In order to have a step by step (image based guide) to find influencers on JoinBrands, click here

Now we will look at the next item on the list, finding Instagram influencers through manual search.

Method 2: Manual search to find Instagram influencers

Use Instagram’s search engine to look for influencers in preferred niches and locations.

Here are the 3 steps to find Instagram influencers using manual search:

  1. Use Instagram’s search engine to look for influencers in preferred niches and locations.
  2. Look for influencers who have a large following and high engagement rates.
  3. Use filters to ensure you find Instagram influencers that align best with your brand’s values.

This method is important for brand owners because it allows them to find influencers who are relevant to their niche.

Method 3: Influencer databases to find Instagram influencers

Use influencer databases to identify Instagram creators according to audience size, engagement, keywords, and more.

Here are the 3 steps to find Instagram influencers using influencer databases:

  1. Use influencer databases to identify Instagram creators according to audience size, engagement, keywords, and more.
  2. Look for influencers who have a large following and high engagement rates.
  3. Use filters to find influencers that are appropriate to your niche and budget.

This method is important for brand owners because it allows them to find influencers who are relevant to their niche.

Method 4: Influencer marketing platforms to find Instagram influencers

Use influencer marketing platforms to find and connect with Instagram influencers.

Here are the 3 steps to find Instagram influencers using influencer marketing platforms:

  1. Use influencer marketing platforms to find and connect with Instagram influencers.
  2. Look for influencers who have a large following and high engagement rates.
  3. Ensure that the niche of influencers you find aligns with your brand.

This method is important for brand owners because it allows them to find influencers who are relevant to their niche.

Method 5: Hashtag search to find Instagram influencers

Use Instagram’s search engine to look for influencers in preferred niches and locations by searching for hashtags related to your industry.

Here are the 3 steps to find Instagram influencers using hashtag search:

  1. Use Instagram’s search engine to look for influencers in preferred niches and locations by searching for hashtags related to your industry.
  2. Look for influencers who have a large following and high engagement rates.
  3. Use hashtag search to find influencers within your budget and that align with your brand’s values.

This method is important for brand owners because it allows them to find influencers who are relevant to their niche.

Now that you know how to find Instagram influencers, you can start building relationships with the right Instagram influencers. 

The Complete Instagram Influencer Marketing Guide (9 Easy Steps)

Finding the right Instagram influencer for a brand involves a careful evaluation of various characteristics to ensure a seamless fit and effective collaboration. These characteristics include:

1. Define Your Target Audience

Clearly define your target audience. Look for Instagram influencers whose followers match your ideal customer profile in terms of demographics, interests, and behaviors.

2. Evaluate Engagement Rate

Analyze the Instagram influencer’s engagement rate, considering likes, comments, and shares. A higher engagement rate indicates an active and involved audience, increasing the likelihood of your message resonating with followers.

3. Assess Content Quality

Review the Instagram influencer’s content quality. Ensure that their aesthetic aligns with your brand image and that they create visually appealing and compelling content that will positively represent your products or services.

4. Check Relevance to Your Niche

Prioritize Instagram influencers whose content is relevant to your industry or niche. Aligning with Instagram influencers who have a natural connection to your brand ensures authenticity and resonance with their audience.

5. Align with Brand Values

Verify that the Instagram influencer’s values align with your brand. Collaborating with Instagram influencers who share similar values helps maintain brand integrity and ensures a more authentic partnership.

6. Assure Authenticity

Look for authenticity in an Instagram influencer’s content. Authentic Instagram influencers seamlessly integrate sponsored content into their feed, making it feel genuine and resonant with their followers.

7. Consider Posting Frequency

Assess the Instagram influencer’s posting frequency. Ensure it aligns with your campaign goals. Some brands prefer Instagram influencers with consistent posting schedules, while others may prioritize those with specific timing strategies.

8. Evaluate Reliability

Evaluate the Instagram influencer’s reliability based on their track record. Consider Instagram influencers who consistently deliver on time and meet campaign expectations. Reliability is crucial for successful long-term collaborations.

9. Analyze Audience Quality

Dive into the demographics of the Instagram influencer’s audience. Ensure their followers match your target audience, considering factors like age, location, and interests. A high-quality audience increases the chances of effective engagement.

Now that we know how Instagram influencer marketing works, let’s take a look at what makes a good Instagram influencer. 

What makes a Good Instagram Influencer? (4 Things to Consider to Find the Right Instagram influencer)

A good Instagram Influencer is characterized by authentic engagement, content relevance to your niche, consistent brand values, authenticity, and professionalism. These elements ensure effective audience reach and alignment with your brand’s values and goals.

1. Authentic Engagement

Authentic interactions with followers are vital for genuine influence. An Instagram beauty influencer authentically sharing product experiences resonates well. On the flip side, an influencer with high followers but low engagement may have fake followers.

2. Relevance to Your Niche

Choose Instagram influencers whose content aligns with your brand’s niche. This ensures a targeted audience genuinely interested in your products. For instance, an Instagram fitness influencer promoting sportswear for an athletic brand. Conversely, an Instagram lifestyle influencer not related to your product category lacks relevance.

3. Consistent Brand Values

Align with Instagram influencers sharing your brand’s ethos. This ensures a seamless integration of your product into their content. A sustainable brand partnering with eco-conscious Instagram influencers exemplifies this. However, an Instagram influencer endorsing fast fashion for a sustainability-focused brand conflicts with values.

4. Reliability and Professionalism

Reliable Instagram influencers deliver content on time with professionalism. Timely posts contribute to campaign effectiveness. An Instagram influencer consistently meeting deadlines and maintaining a professional image is an asset. On the contrary, an Instagram influencer frequently missing deadlines or displaying unprofessional behavior poses challenges.

Now that we know what makes a good Instagram influencer, let’s explore necessary precautions while working with them.

How to Find Influencers in Instagram

4 Things to Take Care of While Working with Instagram Influencers (Necessary Precautions) 

When working with an Instagram Influencer, necessary precautions include clearly defining expectations, verifying audience authenticity, reviewing past collaborations, and clearly outlining usage rights. These steps mitigate risks and ensure a successful, impactful partnership with influencers.

1. Clearly Define Expectations

Clearly communicate expectations, deliverables, and compensation to avoid misunderstandings between you and the Instagram influencer. Ambiguity can lead to misaligned content and dissatisfaction. For instance, a beauty brand should articulate specific product features for Instagram influencers to highlight. Failure to define expectations may result in influencers creating content that doesn’t align with brand messaging.

2. Verify Audience Authenticity

Verify Instagram influencer follower authenticity to ensure a genuine reach. Bot-driven engagement can mislead brands into ineffective partnerships. Consider a fitness brand partnering with an Instagram fitness influencer; fake followers compromise the intended audience. Authenticating the audience prevents potential brand dilution and ensures targeted promotion.

3. Review Past Collaborations

Review an Instagram influencer’s past collaborations to assess professionalism and alignment. Past experiences indicate reliability and potential challenges. For instance, a tech brand researching a potential Instagram influencer might find a history of missed deadlines. Regularly reviewing past collaborations mitigates risks associated with unreliable influencers.

4. Clearly Outline Usage Rights

Clearly outline the rights to use Instagram influencer-generated content to prevent legal issues.

Misunderstandings can lead to copyright disputes and legal complications. A fashion brand sharing Instagram influencer-created content across channels must secure proper usage rights. Clarity prevents legal complications and ensures the smooth sharing of content across brand platforms.

Now that we have an idea of the precautions to take care of when finding an Instagram influencer, let’s explore the benefits that influencer collaborations can have on your business/brand.

3 Benefits of Working with Instagram Influencers (Why Should You Even Partner?)

You can unlock enhanced credibility by leveraging Instagram influencers’ trusted reputations, resulting in a substantial boost of up to 63%. Also, you can extend your brand’s reach exponentially, tapping into influencers’ massive audiences and expanding your customer base by 30%. These benefits collectively transform Instagram influencer collaborations into powerful marketing tools, fostering brand trust, visibility, and campaign precision.

1. Enhanced Credibility

Leverage an Instagram influencer’s trusted reputation to boost brand credibility by up to 63%. A beauty brand collaborating with an Instagram makeup influencer sees increased trust, resulting in higher conversion rates. Consumers are more likely to trust and engage with a brand endorsed by a credible Instagram influencer.

2. Extended Reach

Tap into the massive audience of Instagram influencers with followers ranging from thousands to millions. A fitness equipment brand partnering with an Instagram fitness influencer gains exposure to a broader audience, expanding the customer base by 30%. The Instagram influencer’s extensive reach becomes a powerful marketing channel for the brand, driving increased sales.

3. Data-Driven Insights

Gain valuable insights and data about the target audience through metrics like engagement rates and demographics. A tech brand collaborating with an Instagram tech influencer optimizes marketing strategies with a 20% improvement in campaign effectiveness. Analytics provided by influencers enable precise targeting and better engagement for the brand.

Now that we have an idea of the benefits of finding Instagram influencers, let’s answer the most frequently asked questions to find the right influencers on this platform.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who qualifies as a micro-influencer on Instagram?

A micro-influencer on Instagram typically has a smaller but highly engaged following, ranging from a few thousand to around 100,000 followers. They specialize in specific niches, maintaining a strong connection with their audience through authentic content.

Is follower count the sole determinant of an influencer’s impact on Instagram?

No, follower count alone doesn’t determine an influencer’s impact. Engagement rates, authenticity, and niche relevance are crucial. Micro-influencers with smaller followings often yield higher engagement, fostering more authentic connections with their audience.

How does Instagram influencer marketing differ from traditional advertising?

Instagram influencer marketing differs from traditional marketing as Instagram influencer marketing leverages personal connections and authenticity, while traditional advertising is often one-way communication. Influencers offer a more relatable approach, fostering trust. Additionally, influencer content is seamlessly integrated into users’ feeds, enhancing the overall user experience.

What are the primary metrics to analyze when assessing an Instagram influencer’s effectiveness?

The 10 primary metrics you should analyze include:

  1. Follower count
  2. Engagement rate
  3. Audience demographics
  4. Content quality
  5. Collaboration history
  6. Brand alignment
  7. Authenticity
  8. Post frequency
  9. Reach and impressions
  10. Conversion and click-through rates

Can I collaborate with influencers internationally on Instagram?

Yes, you can collaborate with influencers internationally on Instagram. Collaborating with influencers from different parts of the world allows you to reach diverse audiences and leverage their unique perspectives. Ensure clear communication, discuss terms, and establish a mutual understanding to create successful international collaborations on Instagram.

How often should I update my list of potential influencers?

You should regularly update your list of potential influencers to stay current with industry trends, audience preferences, and emerging talents. Reevaluate and refresh the list at least quarterly, considering shifts in the market and new influencers who align with your brand goals. Regular updates ensure that your influencer marketing strategy remains dynamic and effective.

Is it necessary to contact influencers directly, or are there platforms to facilitate collaborations?

Yes, it is not always necessary to contact influencers directly, as there are platforms specifically designed to facilitate collaborations. Several influencer marketing platforms connect brands with influencers, streamlining the collaboration process. Utilizing such platforms can save time, offer a broader pool of influencers, and provide tools for effective campaign management, making influencer outreach more efficient and accessible.

What precautions should I take when reaching out to influencers on Instagram?

Here are some precautions to take when reaching out to influencers on Instagram: 

  1. Clearly define expectations
  2. Review past collaborations
  3. Ensure legal clarity on content usage rights

How can I measure the success of an influencer marketing campaign on Instagram?

To measure the success of an influencer marketing campaign on Instagram, you can employ key performance indicators (KPIs) such as engagement rate, follower growth, website traffic, and conversion metrics. Use Instagram Insights, track affiliate links, and analyze user-generated content. Regularly assess these metrics against campaign goals to gauge effectiveness and make data-driven decisions for future influencer collaborations.


In conclusion, navigating the landscape of finding influencers on Instagram demands strategic considerations. Analyzing attributes like niche relevance, engagement rates, and authenticity is key. 

With influencers shaping digital landscapes, mastering the art of discovery on Instagram ensures impactful collaborations, elevating brand presence and fostering genuine connections with diverse audiences.

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