Dec 07, 2023

How to Find Pro Athlete Influencers – A-Z Guide, Criteria, Precautions, Pros, FAQs

How to Find Pro Athlete Influencers

Pro athlete influencing involves professional athletes leveraging their social media presence to endorse products or brands.It’s significant due to the athletes’ large follower base, providing unparalleled reach and impact. Brands benefit from the athletes’ credibility and audience connection, leading to enhanced product promotion and increased sales.

JoinBrands enables you to get in touch and collaborate with pro athlete influencers with ease. You can utilize filters such as content type and product details to find pro athlete influencers that align best with your brand goals. 

This article guides through finding pro athlete influencers using JoinBrands in 6 steps as well as 5 other methods. We also have a complete 9-step pro athlete influencer marketing guide. It highlights 10 key traits of a good influencer, outlines 10 precautions when collaborating, and discusses 10 benefits of such partnerships. FAQs and a conclusion offer additional insights.

Now we will answer: How to Find Pro Athlete Influencers.

How to Find Pro Athlete Influencers

Table of Contents

What is a Pro Athlete Influencer? 

Pro athlete influencers are elite sports professionals leveraging their personal brand to promote products. Attributes include athletic prowess, marketability, and a strong social media presence. Three types of pro athlete influencers are individual athletes, team players, and retired legends.

They aid brand owners by providing authentic endorsements, reaching diverse audiences, boosting credibility, and creating engaging promotional content.

Here are the 3 types of pro athlete influencers that can help your brand grow:

  1. Individual Athletes: Pro athletes who excel in individual sports, offering a personal and focused brand image suited for brands seeking one-on-one connections.
  2. Team Players: Athletes contributing to team sports, presenting collaborative and team-oriented brand associations ideal for brands emphasizing unity and cooperation.
  3. Retired Legends: Former athletes with established legacies, providing timeless and authoritative brand endorsements, suitable for brands seeking historical and enduring credibility.

Now, we will discuss how to find these types of pro athlete influencers (best method with JoinBrands shared) along with a few other methods.

6 Methods to Find Pro Athlete Influencers

In this section, we will discuss some of the other methods to find pro athlete influencers. We will include the overview, tools used and step by step procedure so you can promote your brand or sell products effectively through influencer marketing. 

Let’s review 6 methods in detail. 

Method 1: Finding Pro Athlete Influencers with JoinBrands (Best & Most Recommended) 

JoinBrands offers a straightforward approach for finding pro athlete influencers, catering specifically to brand needs. This platform allows brands to customize their pro athlete influencer search based on various criteria, including content type, influencer demographics, and product details.

Here are the 6 steps to find pro athlete Influencers using JoinBrands:

  1. Sign Up on JoinBrands: Register as a brand.
  2. Start a Campaign: Choose between ‘UGC Images: Content Only’ for pro athlete images or ‘UGC Videos: Content Only’ for pro athlete videos.
  3. Add Product Information: Include details like type, name, price, industry, and an external link, along with an image for pro athletes.
  4. Choose Delivery Option: Decide between reimbursement or direct delivery to pro athlete influencers.
  5. Customize Creator Demographics: Select specific pro athlete influencer demographics like gender, age, and ethnicity.
  6. Review and Create Your Campaign: Finalize your choices and launch the pro athlete campaign.

The significance of this method lies in its customization capabilities, enabling brand owners to precisely target the types of pro athlete influencers that align best with their brand’s image and audience.

In order to have a step by step (image based guide) to find pro athlete influencers on JoinBrands, click here

Now we will look at the next item on the list, finding pro athlete influencers on social media platforms. 

Method 2: Social Media Platforms – Identifying Pro Athlete Influencers

Explore popular platforms like Instagram and Twitter to discover pro athletes with a substantial following in your industry.

Here are the 4 steps to find pro athlete influencers using this method:

  1. Utilize Search Features: Use platform-specific search features to identify athletes relevant to your brand.
  2. Engagement Assessment: Analyze athletes’ profiles for engagement metrics like followers, likes, and comments.
  3. Niche Exploration: Dive into different sports and niches to find pro athlete influencers aligned with your brand values.
  4. Content Quality Check: Assess the quality and authenticity of athletes’ content.

The significance of this method lies in the direct accessibility to athletes’ online personas, enabling brands to evaluate their suitability for collaborations efficiently.

Now we will look at the next item on the list: Influencer Marketing Agencies.

Method 3: Influencer Marketing Agencies – Streamlining Collaboration with Pro Athlete Influencers

Collaborate with specialized agencies to simplify the search and negotiation process for pro athlete influencers.

Here are the 4 steps to find pro athlete influencers through influencer marketing agencies:

  1. Research Agencies: Identify agencies with expertise in athlete influencer collaborations.
  2. Define Requirements: Clearly outline your brand’s goals, target audience, and campaign expectations.
  3. Agency Selection: Choose an agency with a track record of successful athlete collaborations.
  4. Negotiation and Contracts: Engage in transparent negotiations and establish clear contractual agreements.

This method is significant for brand owners seeking a professional and guided approach, ensuring a seamless influencer collaboration experience.

Now, we will look at the next item on the list: Sports Events and Sponsorships.

Method 4: Sports Events and Sponsorships – Organic Connection with Pro Athlete Influencers

Attend relevant events or sponsorships to naturally connect with pro athletes and explore collaboration opportunities.

Here are the 4 steps to discover pro athlete influencers through sports events and sponsorships:

  1. Identify Targeted Events: Choose events aligned with your brand and where pro athletes are likely to participate.
  2. Networking Opportunities: Actively engage in networking opportunities during the events.
  3. Brand Visibility: Increase your brand’s visibility through sponsorships and event participation.
  4. Initiate Conversations: Approach athletes organically and initiate conversations about potential collaborations.

This method is significant for brand owners looking to build authentic connections with pro athletes in a natural and immersive environment.

Now, we will look at the next item on the list: Online Directories and Databases.

Method 5: Online Directories and Databases – Targeted Search for Pro Athlete Influencers

Utilize online directories and databases that categorize pro athletes based on sports, streamlining the search process.

Here are the 4 steps to find pro athlete influencers through online directories and databases:

  1. Identify Relevant Platforms: Explore platforms that compile athlete information based on sports categories.
  2. Narrow Down Search Criteria: Use filters to narrow down your search based on sports, interests, and demographics.
  3. Review Athlete Profiles: Examine detailed athlete profiles within the directories.
  4. Contact Information Retrieval: Retrieve contact information for potential collaborations.

This method is significant for brand owners seeking a targeted and efficient approach to finding pro athlete influencers based on specific criteria.

Now, we will look at the next item on the list: Networking within the Sports Community.

Method 6: Networking within the Sports Community – Word of Mouth Referrals for Pro Athlete Influencers

Build connections within the sports community to discover potential pro athlete influencers through word of mouth and referrals.

Here are the 4 steps to find pro athlete influencers through networking within the sports community:

  1. Attend Sports-related Events: Actively participate in events where athletes and sports enthusiasts gather.
  2. Engage in Conversations: Initiate conversations with individuals connected to the sports industry.
  3. Seek Recommendations: Politely inquire about recommendations for pro athlete influencers.
  4. Online Forums and Groups: Join relevant online forums and groups to expand your network.

This method is significant for brand owners aiming to leverage personal connections and firsthand recommendations within the sports community.

The Complete Pro Athlete Influencer Marketing Guide (9 Easy Steps)

In finding the right pro athlete influencer, commence by identifying brand values and the target audience, aligning your brand with specific principles. Specify campaign goals, such as brand awareness or product promotion, with measurable outcomes. Understand your industry niche to resonate with the right audience, leveraging specialized platforms for efficient discovery. Assess pro athlete influencers using engagement metrics, prioritize authenticity, and review past collaborations. Diversify partnerships to mitigate risks and establish clear contracts for transparency, ensuring successful pro athlete influencer collaborations.

1. Identifying Brand Values and Target Audience

To commence the process of finding the right pro athlete influencer for your brand, start by identifying your brand’s core values and target audience. This involves recognizing the foundational principles and the demographic you want your brand to connect with. For example, a sustainable lifestyle brand may identify eco-consciousness as a core value, targeting environmentally-aware consumers.

2. Specifying Pro Athlete Influencer Marketing Campaign Goals

Once your brand values are clear, proceed to specify the goals of your pro athlete influencer marketing campaign. Clearly outline whether your focus is on brand awareness, engagement, or product promotion. Determine the specific outcomes you aim to achieve through collaboration with pro athlete influencers. For instance, a fitness equipment brand might set a goal of increasing online sales by 20% through a pro athlete influencer campaign.

3. Understanding Industry Niche

Following this, gain insights into your industry niche. Understand the nuances of your specific market to determine the type of pro athlete influencer that resonates with your target audience. This involves familiarizing yourself with the particular industry or market segment your brand operates in. As an illustration, a sports nutrition brand might seek pro athletes with a focus on wellness and nutrition.

4. Leveraging Specialized Platforms for Discovery

To streamline the discovery process, leverage specialized platforms like JoinBrands. These platforms offer efficient tools for identifying pro athlete influencers tailored to your brand. Utilize these tools to search and connect with pro athlete influencers who align with your brand values and campaign goals.

5. Assessing Engagement Metrics

In evaluating potential pro athlete influencers, assess their engagement metrics to ensure alignment with your campaign objectives and resonance with your audience. Scrutinize metrics such as follower count, likes, and comments to gauge their impact. For example, a sports apparel brand may prioritize pro athlete influencers with a high engagement rate to maximize the reach and impact of their campaign.

6. Ensuring Authenticity of Influencers

Authenticity is a critical factor in pro athlete influencer marketing. Examine the authenticity of pro athlete influencers’ content and ensure it aligns with your brand values to establish a genuine connection. Verify that the pro athlete influencer’s personal brand aligns seamlessly with your brand image. 

7. Reviewing Past Collaborations

In this step, investigate pro athlete influencers’ past collaborations to gauge their effectiveness and suitability for your brand. By examining their track record, you can ensure that their style aligns with your brand and resonates with your target audience. For instance, a tech gadget brand may prefer pro athlete influencers who have successfully promoted similar products in the past.

8. Diversifying Pro Athlete Influencer Partnerships

To mitigate risks associated with individual behavior, avoid over-reliance on a single pro athlete influencer by diversifying partnerships. This involves collaborating with multiple pro athlete influencers who collectively contribute to your campaign’s success. For example, a fashion brand may work with pro athlete influencers from various styles and backgrounds to appeal to a broader audience.

9. Establishing Clear Contracts

To maintain transparency and professionalism in your pro athlete influencer collaborations, establish clear contracts. Clearly define deliverables, timelines, and compensation to avoid misunderstandings. For instance, a beauty brand collaborating with a pro athlete influencer for a skincare campaign would outline specific content requirements, posting schedules, and compensation details in the contract.

Now that we know how a pro athlete influencer marketing campaign on a platform like Instagram works, we will explore what makes a good pro athlete influencer.

What makes a Good Pro Athlete Influencer? (10 Things to Consider to Find the Right Pro Athlete Influencer)

A good pro athlete influencer for brand collaborations excels in domain relevance, maintaining consistent engagement metrics, aligning with brand values, creating authentic and varied content, sustaining a cohesive personal brand, adapting to campaign goals, producing high-quality visuals, engaging consistently and positively with their audience, and upholding a positive reputation. Now, understanding these criteria, let’s explore precautions when working with pro athlete influencers to ensure successful partnerships.

1. Relevance in Sports Domain

A good pro athlete influencer possesses direct association with the sports domain, bringing relevant expertise to the collaboration. This is crucial to ensure authenticity and credibility when promoting sports-related products. For example, a fitness equipment brand may choose to collaborate with a pro athlete known for their expertise in strength training. In contrast, an influencer from the beauty industry promoting sports products without relevant expertise may lack credibility.

2. Engagement Metrics Consistency

An effective pro athlete influencer maintains consistent high engagement metrics across social platforms. This consistency is vital as it indicates an active and involved audience, thereby increasing the impact of the pro athlete influencer marketing campaign. For instance, a sports apparel brand may prefer partnering with a pro athlete influencer who consistently receives high likes, comments, and shares. Conversely, a pro athlete influencer with fluctuating engagement metrics suggests inconsistent audience interest, posing potential challenges for the brand.

3. Brand Alignment and Values

A valuable pro athlete influencer aligns with the brand’s image, values, and target audience. This alignment enhances brand credibility and resonates with the intended consumer base. For example, a wellness-focused nutrition brand may collaborate with a pro athlete known for a health-conscious lifestyle. In contrast, a pro athlete influencer promoting conflicting values may dilute the brand message and fail to connect with the desired audience.

4. Authentic Content Creation

An effective pro athlete influencer excels in creating authentic content that resonates with their audience. This is crucial as authentic content fosters a genuine connection with followers, strengthening the pro athlete influencer’s impact. For instance, a pro athlete influencer sharing behind-the-scenes training routines or personal anecdotes adds authenticity. Conversely, a pro athlete influencer who consistently produces generic or scripted content may struggle to establish genuine connections with their audience, diminishing the effectiveness of the collaboration.

5. Consistent Personal Branding

A successful pro athlete influencer maintains consistent personal branding across platforms, ensuring a cohesive online identity. This consistency is important as it helps in building a recognizable and memorable image. For example, a pro athlete influencer known for a specific fitness regimen and motivational content maintains consistency in their personal brand. On the other hand, a pro athlete influencer with disparate branding across platforms may confuse the audience and dilute the impact of their personal brand.

6. Social Media Presence Variety

An impactful pro athlete influencer maintains a varied and engaging social media presence across different platforms. This variety is crucial as it allows for diverse content and reaches a broader audience. For instance, a pro athlete influencer active on Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter can leverage each platform’s strengths. Conversely, a pro athlete influencer solely focused on one platform may miss opportunities to connect with different audience segments.

7. Adaptability to Campaign Goals

A valuable pro athlete influencer demonstrates adaptability to align with specific campaign goals set by the brand. This adaptability is important as it ensures that the influencer’s content serves the intended purpose of the collaboration. For example, a pro athlete influencer may adjust their content style to focus on product features during a promotional campaign. In contrast, a pro athlete influencer who rigidly adheres to a single content style may struggle to meet diverse campaign objectives, limiting the effectiveness of the collaboration.

8. High-Quality Visual Content Creation

A good pro athlete influencer excels in creating high-quality visual content that enhances the overall brand image. This is crucial as visually appealing content attracts and retains audience attention. For instance, a pro athlete influencer collaborating with a sports apparel brand may showcase the products through professional photos and videos. Conversely, a pro athlete influencer producing low-quality visuals may fail to capture audience interest and may not effectively showcase the brand’s offerings.

9. Consistent and Timely Engagement

An effective pro athlete influencer maintains consistent and timely engagement with their audience, fostering a sense of community. This consistency is important as it ensures ongoing interaction and positive relationships. For example, a pro athlete influencer responding promptly to comments and messages enhances audience engagement. On the other hand, a pro athlete influencer who sporadically engages with their audience may struggle to build a dedicated community and may miss valuable opportunities for brand interaction.

10. Positive Reputation and Conduct

A valuable pro athlete influencer upholds a positive reputation and conducts themselves with professionalism. This positive reputation is crucial as it reflects on the brand they collaborate with. For example, a pro athlete influencer known for ethical conduct and positive interactions contributes to the positive image of a brand. In contrast, a pro athlete influencer with a history of controversies or unprofessional behavior may negatively impact the brand’s association with them.

Now that we know what makes a good pro athlete influencer, let’s take a look at precautions you should take when working with them. 

How to Find Pro Athlete Influencers

10 Things to Take Care of While Working with Pro Athlete Influencers  (Necessary Precautions) 

When collaborating with pro athlete influencers, brands must prioritize clear contracts, authenticate content alignment, ensure cross-platform consistency, secure adherence to campaign goals, verify audience demographic alignment, review past collaborations, diversify partnerships, monitor engagement metrics, align with brand image, and maintain transparent communication. These precautions safeguard brands from legal disputes, inauthentic representations, inconsistent branding, and ensure effective partnerships, reinforcing brand reputation and trust.

1. Contract Clarity

Ensure clear and comprehensive contracts when collaborating with pro athlete influencers to avoid misunderstandings and legal issues, fostering a professional partnership. Without contract clarity, disputes can arise, potentially damaging brand reputation and resulting in financial losses. For example, a fitness brand that specifies content requirements in the contract can avoid disputes over undisclosed deliverables.

2. Content Authenticity Verification

Verify the authenticity of a pro athlete influencer’s content alignment with brand values to safeguard against misrepresentation and ensure genuine brand association. Inauthentic content may lead to brand misalignment, diminishing audience trust. For instance, a wellness brand should ensure content authenticity, avoiding a pro athlete influencer misrepresenting health benefits.

3. Cross-Platform Consistency Check

Confirm consistent personal branding across the pro athlete influencer’s platforms to maintain a cohesive online identity for better brand recognition. Disparate branding may confuse the audience, diluting the pro athlete influencer’s impact. For example, an athlete who maintains consistent branding across various platforms presents a unified image, enhancing recognition.

4. Adherence to Campaign Goals

Ensure the pro athlete influencer’s adaptability to align with specific campaign goals set by the brand. This adaptability is crucial to ensure that the pro athlete influencer’s content serves the intended purpose of the collaboration. A pro athlete influencer may need to adjust their content style to focus on product features during a promotional campaign. In contrast, a pro athlete influencer rigidly adhering to a single content style may struggle to meet diverse campaign objectives, limiting the effectiveness of the collaboration.

5. Audience Demographic Alignment

Verify that the pro athlete influencer’s audience demographic aligns with the brand’s target audience to maximize the campaign’s impact. Misalignment may result in ineffective reach and engagement. For example, a fitness brand targeting young adults may not benefit from collaborating with a pro athlete influencer whose audience primarily consists of older demographics.

6. Review of Previous Collaborations

Conduct a thorough review of the pro athlete influencer’s past collaborations to gauge their effectiveness and suitability for your brand. By examining their track record, you can ensure that their style aligns with your brand and resonates with your target audience. For instance, a tech gadget brand may prefer pro athlete influencers who have successfully promoted similar products in the past.

7. Diversification of Pro Athlete Influencer Partnerships

To mitigate risks associated with individual behavior, avoid over-reliance on a single pro athlete influencer by diversifying partnerships. This involves collaborating with multiple pro athlete influencers who collectively contribute to your campaign’s success. For example, a fashion brand may work with pro athlete influencers from various styles and backgrounds to appeal to a broader audience.

8. Monitoring Engagement Metrics

Regularly monitor the engagement metrics of the pro athlete influencer to ensure consistency and relevance. This ongoing monitoring helps you assess the impact of the collaboration and make informed decisions. For example, a sports apparel brand may track likes, comments, and shares to gauge the effectiveness of the pro athlete influencer’s promotional posts.

9. Review of Brand Image Alignment

Regularly assess the pro athlete influencer’s alignment with your brand image and values to maintain a positive association. Misalignment can lead to confusion and negatively impact your brand’s perception. For instance, a sustainable lifestyle brand should ensure that the pro athlete influencer’s personal choices and public image align with eco-conscious values.

10. Transparency in Communication

Foster transparency in communication with the pro athlete influencer to build trust and avoid misunderstandings. Clear and open communication helps in addressing any issues promptly and maintaining a positive working relationship. For example, a beauty brand collaborating with a pro athlete influencer for a skincare campaign would benefit from transparent discussions about content requirements, posting schedules, and compensation details.

Now, let’s explore the myriad of benefits that pro athlete influencers can bring to your business.

10 Benefits of Working with Pro Athlete Influencers (Why Should You Even Partner?)

Partnering with pro athlete influencers offers brands enhanced visibility, targeted audience engagement, and authentic brand advocacy. It leads to increased conversion rates, social proof, and credibility. Access to niche markets, diverse and high-quality content creation, and global reach are additional benefits. Cost-effective marketing and the ability to execute agile, timely campaigns make pro athlete collaborations a powerful strategy, fostering brand growth and consumer trust.

1. Enhanced Brand Visibility

Partnering with pro athlete influencers significantly enhances brand visibility. This collaboration allows brands to tap into the pro athlete influencer’s extensive and dedicated fanbase, resulting in increased exposure and awareness. For instance, a sports equipment brand collaborating with a pro athlete can reach millions of sports enthusiasts who follow and admire the athlete.

2. Targeted Audience Engagement

Pro athlete influencers excel in engaging a targeted audience, making them an effective channel for brands looking to connect with specific demographics. Collaborating with an athlete aligned with the brand’s values ensures meaningful engagement with the desired consumer base. For example, a fitness apparel brand partnering with a fitness-focused athlete can effectively connect with health-conscious consumers.

3. Authentic Brand Advocacy

Pro athletes bring authenticity to brand advocacy, fostering trust and positively influencing audience perception. When athletes authentically endorse products they genuinely use and believe in, it resonates with their audience, creating a more impactful brand association. For instance, a nutrition brand collaborating with an athlete who incorporates the product into their daily routine enhances the authenticity of the endorsement.

4. Increased Conversion Rates

Collaborating with pro athlete influencers has been proven to boost conversion rates for brands. The pro athlete influencer’s recommendations and endorsements hold significant sway over their audience, driving consumer actions such as making purchases. For example, a sports beverage brand may experience a notable 20% increase in online sales through pro athlete influencer-promoted campaigns.

5. Social Proof and Credibility

Partnering with pro athletes provides brands with social proof and enhanced credibility. Influencers, especially athletes with a strong personal brand, act as credible voices that validate the brand’s offerings. This social proof contributes to building trust among the audience, leading to increased credibility and brand loyalty.

6. Access to Niche Markets

Collaborating with pro athlete influencers allows brands to access niche markets related to the athlete’s expertise or sport. This targeted approach ensures that the brand’s message reaches audiences with a specific interest, contributing to more effective marketing efforts. For instance, a brand focused on outdoor adventure gear collaborating with a professional mountaineer can tap into the niche market of outdoor enthusiasts.

7. Content Diversity and Quality

Pro athlete influencers contribute to diverse and high-quality content creation, adding value to a brand’s marketing strategy. Their unique experiences, skills, and lifestyle offer a variety of content opportunities, keeping the audience engaged and entertained. For example, an athletic shoe brand collaborating with a pro athlete can showcase the athlete’s training routines, competitions, and personal experiences, creating compelling and diverse content.

8. Global Reach and Exposure

Partnering with internationally recognized pro athletes provides brands with global reach and exposure. These pro athlete influencers often have a widespread fanbase across different countries, enabling brands to extend their reach beyond local markets. For instance, a sports brand collaborating with an Olympian can gain exposure to audiences worldwide, contributing to brand recognition on a global scale.

9. Cost-Effective Marketing

Collaborating with pro athlete influencers can be a cost-effective marketing strategy compared to traditional advertising channels. The cost per impression and engagement often proves to be more efficient, especially when considering the pro athlete influencer’s ability to connect authentically with their audience. For example, a startup fitness brand might find pro athlete influencer collaborations more budget-friendly and impactful than running expensive television ads.

10. Agile and Timely Campaigns

Pro athlete influencers enable brands to execute agile and timely campaigns. Leveraging an athlete’s popularity and current events allows brands to stay relevant and responsive to trends. For example, a sports apparel brand collaborating with an athlete during major sports events can capitalize on the heightened interest and engagement surrounding those events, creating timely and impactful campaigns.

Now that we’ve learnt the benefits of pro athlete influencers, let’s answer some frequently asked questions regarding finding them. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Why is it essential to review a pro athlete influencer’s past collaborations?

A: It is essential to review a pro athlete influencer’s past collaborations to gauge their effectiveness and suitability for your brand, ensuring alignment with your brand image.

How can I establish transparent communication with a pro athlete influencer?

You can establish transparent communication with a pro athlete influencer by establishing clear contracts that define deliverables, timelines, and compensation, avoiding misunderstandings and fostering professionalism.

Can collaborating with pro athlete influencers be cost-effective?

Yes, pro athlete influencer collaborations can be cost-effective compared to traditional advertising channels, offering efficient and impactful marketing strategies.

How can I access a global audience through pro athlete influencers?

You can access a global audience through pro athlete influencers by partnering with internationally recognized pro athletes that provide access to a global audience, extending brand reach beyond local markets.


In conclusion, navigating the realm of pro athlete influencers requires a strategic approach. By leveraging specialized platforms like JoinBrands and meticulously evaluating authenticity, engagement metrics, and past collaborations, brands can forge impactful partnerships. Diversifying collaborations, ensuring transparency through clear contracts, and understanding the global reach these influencers offer are vital considerations. The benefits encompass enhanced brand visibility, targeted engagement, social proof, and cost-effective marketing. Embracing these insights empowers brands to not only discover but also thrive in collaborations with pro athlete influencers, creating a powerful synergy that resonates with audiences worldwide.

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