Nov 20, 2023

How to Find Good Influencers – Full Guide, Tips, FAQs & More

How to Find Good Influencers

A good influencer is an individual with a significant online following who can positively impact their audience’s opinions. The global influencer marketing market value stood at 21.1 billion U.S. dollars as of 2023, having more than tripled since 2019.

JoinBrands simplifies influencer discovery, ensuring quality collaborations. Robust analytics aid in selecting effective influencers. Genuine influencers drive authentic audience engagement, enhancing brand credibility. Strategic partnerships result in cost-efficient campaigns, maximizing return on investment for brand owners.

This article guides through finding good influencers using JoinBrands in 6 steps as well as 7 other methods, and a complete 3 step good influencer marketing guide. It highlights 4 key traits of a good influencer, outlines 4 precautions when collaborating, and discusses 10 benefits of such partnerships. FAQs and a conclusion offer additional insights.

Now we will answer: How to Find Good Influencers.

How to Find Good Influencers

Table of Contents

How Would You Define a Good Influencer?

Good influencers are individuals with a substantial online following, known for their credibility, engagement, and relevance within a specific niche. They can be categorized as micro, macro, or mega influencers, etc. Leveraging influencers can benefit brand owners by expanding reach, building trust, driving sales, and enhancing brand awareness.

Here are the three types of influencers that can help your brand grow:

  1. Good Micro Influencers: Micro influencers have a modest following but high engagement, making them ideal for niche markets and small to medium-sized brand owners seeking authentic connections with their audience.
  2. Good Macro Influencers: With a larger following, macro influencers are suitable for brand owners aiming for broader exposure and mainstream markets.
  3. Good Mega Influencers: Mega influencers, often celebrities, boast massive followings, making them suitable for large-scale brand promotions and reaching a diverse audience.

Now, we will discuss how to find these types of influencers (best method with JoinBrands shared) along with a few other methods.

8 Ways to Find Good Influencers

In this section, we will discuss some of the other methods to find good influencers for your brand. We will include the overview, tools used and step by step procedure so you can promote your brand or sell products effectively through influencer marketing. 

Let’s review the 8 methods in detail. 

Method 1: Finding Good Influencers with JoinBrands (Best & Most Recommended) 

JoinBrands offers a streamlined method for finding good influencers, catering specifically to brand needs. 

Here are the 6 steps to find good Influencers using JoinBrands:

  1. Sign Up on JoinBrands: Register as a brand.
  2. Start a Campaign: Choose between ‘UGC Images: Content Only’ for images or ‘UGC Videos: Content Only’’ for videos.
  3. Add Product Information: Include details like type, name, price, industry, and an external link, along with an image.
  4. Choose Delivery Option: Decide between reimbursement or direct delivery to influencers.
  5. Customize Creator Demographics: Select specific influencer demographics like gender, age, and ethnicity.
  6. Review and Create Your Campaign: Finalize your choices and launch the campaign.

The significance of this method lies in its customization capabilities, enabling brand owners to precisely target the types of influencers that align best with their brand’s image and audience.

In order to have a step by step (image based guide) to find good influencers on JoinBrands, click here

Now we will look at the next item on the list, finding good influencers on other social media platforms.

Method 2: Social Media Platforms

Utilize social media platforms to discover good influencers within your niche. Platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are rich resources. Use relevant hashtags and keywords to search for good influencers and explore their content to ensure alignment with your brand values. Leverage advanced search features to narrow down good influencers based on location, interests, or audience demographics. Engage with their content and assess the level of interaction from their followers.

Method 3: Influencer Marketing Platforms

Explore influencer marketing platforms. These platforms provide databases of good influencers, complete with audience insights and engagement metrics. You can filter good influencers based on criteria like audience size, engagement rate, and niche relevance. Many platforms facilitate direct communication and collaboration, streamlining the influencer discovery process. Always vet good influencers on these platforms thoroughly before initiating collaborations.

Method 4: Industry Events and Conferences

Attend industry-specific events and conferences where good influencers may be present. Networking at these events allows you to meet good influencers face-to-face, fostering authentic connections. Keep an eye on event hashtags and social media activity to identify potential influencers. Collaborating with good influencers who are active in your industry can enhance the credibility of your brand.

Method 5: Google Search and Blog Directories

Perform targeted Google searches using keywords related to your industry and influencer marketing. Look for good influencers who have been featured in articles, blog posts, or industry directories. Blog directories, such as Bloglovin’, can be valuable resources for finding good influencers with a strong online presence. Evaluate the quality and relevance of their content, ensuring it aligns with your brand’s messaging.

Method 6: Influencer Agencies

Consider working with influencer marketing agencies that specialize in connecting brands with good influencers. These agencies often have access to a diverse pool of good influencers and can recommend individuals based on your campaign objectives. Collaborating with an agency can streamline the influencer identification process and provide additional expertise in executing successful campaigns.

Method 7: Customer Recommendations

Leverage your existing customer base to identify potential good influencers. Customers who are already passionate about your brand can be powerful advocates. Encourage user-generated content and testimonials, and identify individuals with a strong online presence. These customers may not only become good influencers but also provide authentic insights into your products or services.

Method 8: Monitor Competitor Collaborations

Keep an eye on your competitors and observe their influencer collaborations. Identify good influencers who resonate with your industry and share a similar target audience. Tools like social media monitoring platforms can help track competitor activities and unveil potential good influencers for your brand. Ensure, however, that the good influencers you choose have not recently collaborated with direct competitors to maintain authenticity.

By combining these strategies, brands can discover good influencers who align with their values, engage with their target audience, and contribute to the success of their influencer marketing campaigns.

The Complete Good Influencer Marketing Guide (3 Easy Steps)

To find a good influencer for your brand, you must first define your target audience. Next, analyze influencer content and screen it for relevance and authenticity. Lastly, you can review engagement metrics to ensure an engaged audience. 

1. Identify Your Target Audience

Understand your audience demographics and preferences to align with suitable influencers.

Execute by using market research tools and studying customer profiles.

For example, a tech gadget brand could target influencers with a young, tech-savvy audience.

2. Analyze Influencer Content

Evaluate influencers’ content for relevance and authenticity in your brand’s niche.

Execute by reviewing their posts, ensuring they align with your brand values.

A sustainable lifestyle brand might choose influencers passionate about eco-friendly living.

3. Review Engagement Metrics

Examine influencers’ engagement rates, ensuring an active and involved audience.

Execute by analyzing likes, comments, and shares on their posts.

For a gaming accessories brand, influencers with high interaction in gaming communities would be ideal.

What makes a Good Influencer? (4 Things to Consider to Find the Right Influencer)

A good influencer is characterized by content relevance, a high engagement, consistent content quality, and authenticity. These elements ensure effective audience reach and alignment with your brand’s values and goals.

1. Relevance

Relevance signifies the influencer’s content aligning with your brand’s niche and values, ensuring a targeted audience. It is crucial to capture the attention of potential customers interested in your products or services. For instance, a fitness brand should collaborate with influencers focused on health and wellness. Conversely, an influencer predominantly promoting unrelated content, like gaming, might not effectively showcase the fitness brand.

2. Engagement Rate

High engagement, measured by likes, comments, and shares, signifies an active and responsive audience, fostering meaningful interactions. This is vital for brand exposure and establishing a connection with potential customers. Consider an influencer with a high engagement rate of comments and direct interactions. On the contrary, an influencer with a large following but low engagement may not effectively engage the audience, impacting the brand’s visibility.

3. Authenticity

Authentic influencers build trust by being genuine and relatable, resonating with the audience and enhancing brand credibility. This trust is essential for brand loyalty and positive associations. For instance, an influencer genuinely using and endorsing a product in their daily life creates authenticity. Conversely, an influencer promoting products without personal use or connection may appear inauthentic, affecting the brand’s credibility.

4. Consistency

Regular, consistent content creation by influencers maintains audience interest and sustains a brand’s visibility. Consistency contributes to a steady and reliable presence, keeping the brand in the audience’s attention. Imagine an influencer consistently sharing engaging content about a brand, maintaining audience interest over time. Conversely, an influencer with irregular posting patterns may fail to retain audience attention, impacting the brand’s visibility and message consistency.

How to Find Good Influencers

4 Things to Take Care of While Working with Good Influencers  (Necessary Precautions) 

When working with a good Influencer, necessary precautions include verifying the authenticity of their content, having clear contractual agreements, verifying audience authenticity and ensuring their content aligns with your brand’s values. These steps mitigate risks and ensure a successful, impactful partnership with good influencers.

1. Authenticity Verification

Ensure the authenticity of good influencers by verifying their past collaborations and audience engagement to prevent brand misrepresentation. This precaution is vital for maintaining brand credibility and trust. Neglecting authenticity verification may lead to associations with good influencers who may not genuinely align with your brand values. For example, a cosmetic brand mistakenly partnering with an influencer known for endorsing competing products could harm brand credibility within the beauty niche.

2. Clear Contractual Agreements

Clearly define contractual terms, expectations, and deliverables to avoid misunderstandings and ensure a smooth collaboration process. This precaution safeguards against potential disputes and ensures a transparent partnership. Neglecting clear contractual agreements may result in good influencers not meeting expectations, impacting campaign success. Consider a scenario where a brand and influencer disagree on content usage rights due to unclear contractual terms, leading to complications in the collaboration.

3. Audience Authenticity

Verify the authenticity of an influencer’s audience to ensure genuine reach and avoid investing in inflated follower numbers. This precaution is crucial for achieving actual engagement and return on investment. Ignoring audience authenticity may result in brands paying for exposure to a non-existent or uninterested audience. For instance, a fashion brand might experience minimal sales impact if the influencer’s followers are not genuinely interested in fashion-related content.

4. Content Alignment

Ensure the influencer’s content aligns with your brand’s values and messaging to maintain a consistent brand image. This precaution is essential for preventing misrepresentation and ensuring the audience receives a cohesive brand message. Neglecting content alignment may result in inconsistencies that confuse the audience. For example, a sustainable lifestyle brand partnering with an influencer promoting fast fashion could create a disconnect, potentially harming the brand’s eco-friendly image.

Now that we have an idea of the precautions to take care of when finding good influencers, let’s look at the benefits that influencers can have on your business/brand.

Why Should You Partner with Good Influencers? (10 Benefits for your Brand)

Collaborating with effective and reputable influencers can offer numerous benefits for brands. Here are 10 key advantages of working with good influencers: 

1. Expanded Reach and Audience Exposure

Good influencers have a dedicated and engaged audience. Partnering with them allows your brand to tap into their existing followers, expanding your reach and gaining exposure to potential customers who trust and value the influencer’s recommendations.

2. Credibility and Trust Building

Good Influencers often have built a high level of credibility with their audience. When they endorse a product or service, it carries the weight of trust. This association can positively impact your brand’s reputation and build trust with consumers.

3. Targeted Marketing

Good influencers carefully curate their content to align with specific niches or demographics. Collaborating with good influencers in your industry allows for targeted marketing, reaching an audience that is more likely to be interested in and responsive to your products or services.

4. Authenticity and Relatability

Good influencers are skilled at creating authentic and relatable content. Their ability to connect with their audience on a personal level enhances the authenticity of your brand’s message, making it more likely to resonate with consumers.

5. Increased Engagement and Interactivity

Good influencers generate high levels of engagement on their content. When they promote your brand, followers are more likely to interact with the content, leading to increased likes, comments, and shares. This engagement can boost the visibility of your brand and create a sense of community around it.

6. Diverse Content Creation

Good influencers excel at creating diverse and engaging content. By collaborating with them, your brand can benefit from their creativity and storytelling skills, resulting in content that captures attention and effectively communicates your brand message.

7. Enhanced SEO and Online Presence

Influencer collaborations can contribute to improved search engine optimization (SEO). When influencers create content featuring your brand, it generates backlinks and online mentions, positively impacting your brand’s online visibility.

8. Cost-Effective Marketing

Compared to traditional advertising, influencer marketing can be a cost-effective strategy. Working with good influencers allows brands to leverage the influencer’s existing platform and audience without the substantial costs associated with producing and placing traditional ads.

9. Access to New Audiences

Collaborating with good influencers often introduces your brand to new audiences. Good influencers may have followers who haven’t been exposed to your products or services, providing an opportunity for customer acquisition and market expansion.

10. Measurable Results

Influencer marketing platforms and analytics tools enable brands to measure the performance of influencer collaborations. Tracking key metrics such as reach, engagement, and conversion rates provides valuable insights to assess the success of the campaign and inform future strategies.

Working with good influencers not only amplifies your brand’s visibility but also brings authenticity, credibility, and engagement to your marketing efforts. It’s a dynamic approach to reaching consumers in a way that feels genuine and relatable.


What defines a top-tier influencer?

A top-tier influencer is a prominent individual with a substantial following, high engagement rates, and a reputation for authentic content that resonates with their audience.

Is follower count the sole indicator of a good influencer?

No, while follower count matters, engagement, authenticity, and audience alignment are equally crucial in determining a good influencer’s effectiveness.

How do micro-influencers compare to macro-influencers in terms of effectiveness?

Micro-influencers often excel in niche markets, fostering deeper connections, while macro-influencers reach broader audiences with widespread appeal. Effectiveness depends on campaign goals.

What qualities make an influencer stand out?

The following 7 qualities make an influencer stand out: 

  1. Authenticity
  2. High Engagement
  3. Relevance to Niche
  4. Consistent Brand Alignment
  5. Quality Content Creation
  6. Trustworthiness
  7. Strong Relationship with Followers

Why should I avoid influencers with inconsistent content creation?

You should avoid influencers with inconsistent content creation because inconsistent posting patterns may lead to a loss of audience interest, impacting brand visibility and message consistency negatively.

What happens if I neglect clear contractual agreements with influencers?

If you neglect clear contractual agreements with influencers, it may lead to misunderstandings, disputes, and influencers not meeting expectations, affecting the success of the collaboration.


In conclusion, identifying good influencers is pivotal for effective influencer marketing. By prioritizing authenticity, engagement, and brand alignment, brands can establish meaningful partnerships that resonate with audiences. 

The key lies in a strategic approach, considering the influencer’s attributes and creating lasting connections for successful collaborations.

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