Nov 10, 2023

How to Find Influencers on Pinterest – A-Z Guide, Criteria, Precautions, Pros, FAQs

How to Find Influencers on Pinterest

Pinterest is a visual discovery and bookmarking platform where users curate and share ideas through images. With over 400 million active users, it holds significance as a creative space for inspiration and planning. For brand owners, Pinterest provides a unique avenue to showcase products visually, enhancing brand visibility and driving sales.

You can find Pinterest influencers seamlessly with JoinBrands. It helps you elevate brand visibility, connect with niche audiences, and amplify engagement easily. You can easily drive brand growth and achieve marketing goals with the help of Pinterest influencers you find on JoinBrands.

This article guides us through finding Pinterest influencers using JoinBrands in 6 steps as well as 3 other methods. You also get a complete 7 step Pinterest influencer marketing guide. It highlights 4 key traits of a good Pinterest influencer and outlines 4 precautions when collaborating with them. It also discusses 4 benefits of such partnerships between brands and Pinterest influencers. Lastly, FAQs and a conclusion offer additional insights.

Now we will answer: How to Find Influencers on Pinterest.

How to Find Influencers on Pinterest

Table of Contents

What is a Pinterest Influencer? 

Pinterest Influencers are content creators with a keen eye for visual storytelling. They curate aesthetically pleasing pins, emphasizing creativity and engagement. Explore diverse Pinterest influencer types—Lifestyle Gurus, DIY Enthusiasts, Recipe Creators, etc. These influencers can elevate brand visibility, drive website traffic, enhance product discoverability, and foster authentic connections. 

Here are the three types of Pinterest influencers that can help your brand grow:

1. Content Curators: Experts at crafting visually appealing boards, ideal for lifestyle and fashion brands seeking aesthetic promotion.

2. DIY Enthusiasts: Pinners sharing creative do-it-yourself projects, suited for brands in the crafting and home improvement niche.

3. Recipe Creators: Pinners sharing mouth-watering recipes, perfect for food and beverage brands.

Now, we will discuss how to find these types of Pinterest influencers (best method with JoinBrands shared) along with a few other methods.

4 Ways to Find Pinterest Influencers

In this section, we will discuss some of the other methods to find Pinterest influencers for your brand. We will include the overview, tools used and step by step procedure so you can promote your brand or sell products effectively through influencer marketing. 

Let’s review the 4 methods in detail. 

Method 1: Finding Pinterest Influencers with JoinBrands (Best & Most Recommended) 

JoinBrands offers a clear approach for finding Pinterest influencers, catering specifically to brand needs. This platform allows brands to connect with Pinterest influencers based on their niche, content type, product details, and more. 

Here are the 6 steps to find Pinterest Influencers using JoinBrands:

  1. Sign Up on JoinBrands: Register as a brand.
  2. Start a Campaign: Choose ‘UGC Images: Content Only’ for Pinterest images.
  3. Add Product Information: Include details like type, name, price, industry, and an external link, along with an image for Pinterest.
  4. Choose Delivery Option: Decide between reimbursement or direct delivery to Pinterest influencers.
  5. Customize Creator Demographics: Select specific Pinterest influencer demographics like gender, age, and ethnicity.
  6. Review and Create Your Campaign: Finalize your choices and launch the Pinterest campaign.

The significance of this method lies in its customization capabilities, enabling brand owners to precisely target the types of influencers that align best with their brand’s image and audience.

In order to have a step by step (image based guide) to find Pinterest influencers on JoinBrands, click here

Now we will look at the next item on the list, finding Pinterest influencers on other social media platforms.

Method 2: Keyword Search on Pinterest

Pinterest influencers can be found by employing targeted keywords related to your brand. This method involves directly searching Pinterest with relevant terms.

Here are the 3 steps to find Pinterest influencers using this method:

  1. Enter specific keywords in Pinterest search.
  2. Explore Pinterest profiles with relevant content.
  3. Assess engagement and follower count.

Utilizing keyword searches is crucial for brands seeking influencers aligned with their niche and products.

Method 3: Collaborative Boards Exploration

Brands can discover potential Pinterest influencers by exploring collaborative boards. These boards involve influencers collaborating with others, offering insights into their network.

Here are the 3 steps to find Pinterest influencers through collaborative boards:

  1. Identify relevant collaborative boards.
  2. Examine contributors on these boards.
  3. Assess Pinterest influencers based on activity and engagement.

Exploring collaborative boards provides a unique approach to finding influencers who actively participate and engage within their niche.

Method 4: Hashtag Search

Harness the power of hashtags to identify Pinterest influencers. Hashtags categorize content, helping brands find influencers aligned with specific topics.

Here are the 3 steps to find Pinterest influencers through hashtag search:

  1. Search relevant hashtags on Pinterest.
  2. Explore pins and profiles associated with these hashtags.
  3. Evaluate Pinterest influencers based on content and engagement.

Leveraging hashtags allows brands to pinpoint influencers within specific niches, ensuring alignment with their products or services.

The Complete Pinterest Influencer Marketing Guide (7 Easy Steps)

Identifying the right Pinterest influencer involves understanding your audience and researching relevant niches. Assessing authenticity and engagement metrics ensures a genuine connection with the audience. Negotiate terms thoughtfully, collaborate closely, and implement tracking tools to measure performance. Stay agile, adapt strategies based on insights, and continuously iterate for optimal results in your brand’s Pinterest influencer marketing campaign.

1. Identify Your Target Audience

Understand your audience’s demographics, interests, and behaviors. Analyze data and feedback to pinpoint their preferences and that coincide with the appropriate Pinterest influencers. A boutique fashion brand may target young, trend-conscious individuals who engage in online fashion communities.

2. Research Relevant Niches

Explore niche markets and Pinterest influencers that are aligned with your brand. Identify areas where your audience actively participates and engages with such Pinterest influencers. A sustainable living brand might focus on eco-friendly lifestyle Pinterest influencers within the zero-waste community.

3. Evaluate Influencer Authenticity

Assess Pinterest influencers for genuine connections with their audience. Look for authenticity and alignment with your brand values. A wellness brand would benefit from collaborating with a Pinterest influencer who shares personal health journeys and holistic living.

4. Analyze Engagement Metrics

Examine Pinterest influencers’ engagement rates, comments, and shares. High interaction indicates a more connected and influential audience. A tech gadget brand should seek Pinterest influencers whose reviews generate extensive discussions and user interactions.

5. Negotiate and Collaborate

Communicate your brand vision clearly. Negotiate terms, ensuring a mutual understanding. Collaborate closely for authentic promotion. A travel gear brand can collaborate with a Pinterest influencer for adventure-packed content, showcasing the brand’s durability.

6. Track and Measure Performance

Implement tracking tools to measure campaign effectiveness. Evaluate key performance indicators to refine future strategies. A cooking equipment brand should track increased website traffic and sales attributed to the Pinterest influencer partnership.

7. Adapt and Iterate

Stay agile and adapt strategies based on performance insights. Continuously iterate to refine your approach for optimal results. A pet care brand might adjust its Pinterest influencer collaborations based on feedback and changing trends in the pet industry.

Now that we understand how to identify, collaborate with, and measure the success of a Pinterest influencer marketing campaign, let’s explore what makes a Pinterest influencer truly effective for your brand.

What makes a Good Pinterest Influencer? (4 Things to Consider to Find the Right Pinterest Influencer)

Choosing an effective Pinterest influencer involves factors like niche relevance, ensuring content resonates with your brand. High engagement metrics, such as likes and shares, showcase a Pinterest influencer’s impact within their community. Authenticity builds trust, enhancing your brand’s credibility. Visual appeal and alignment contribute to a cohesive brand presentation, reinforcing recognition and attracting the right audience.

1. Relevance to Niche

A good Pinterest influencer aligns with your brand’s niche. This means creating content that resonates with a specific audience, ensuring relevance. It ensures your brand is promoted in a context that appeals directly to potential customers. A skincare brand collaborates with a Pinterest beauty influencer specializing in natural skincare routines. A Pinterest influencer focused on fitness may not effectively showcase skincare products.

2. Engagement Metrics

High engagement rates, including likes, comments, and shares, indicate an influencer’s effectiveness in connecting with their audience. It reflects the level of influence an individual has within their community. A home decor brand partners with a Pinterest influencer whose DIY projects generate significant interaction. A Pinterest influencer with a large following but low engagement may not drive meaningful interactions.

3. Authenticity and Credibility

Authentic influencers build trust with their audience, enhancing your brand’s credibility through genuine connections. Consumers are more likely to trust recommendations from authentic personalities. A fashion brand collaborates with a Pinterest influencer who genuinely wears and loves the products. A Pinterest influencer promoting products without a genuine connection may seem inauthentic.

4. Visual Appeal and Aesthetic Alignment

A visually cohesive feed that aligns with your brand’s aesthetic enhances the overall presentation and effectiveness of promotional content. Consistent visual appeal reinforces brand recognition and attracts a specific target audience. A travel brand partners with a Pinterest influencer whose feed complements the adventurous and vibrant brand image. A Pinterest influencer with a mismatched aesthetic may dilute the brand’s visual identity.

Now that we know what makes a good Pinterest influencer, let’s explore things you should take care of while working with them.

How to Find Influencers on Pinterest

4 Things to Take Care of While Working with Pinterest Influencers  (Necessary Precautions) 

When working with Pinterest influencers, reviewing content alignment is crucial to prevent brand confusion. Authenticity checks ensure real audience engagement, safeguarding against misleading collaborations. Contractual clarity in expectations and deliverables protects both parties from potential disputes. Continuous monitoring and adaptation guarantee your brand stays aligned with evolving trends, maximizing the benefits of Pinterest influencer collaborations.

1. Content Review and Alignment

Thoroughly review an influencer’s past content to ensure alignment with your brand values and messaging. Misalignment can lead to brand confusion and potential damage to your reputation. An eco-friendly brand collaborating with an influencer promoting disposable products may face backlash. Remind influencers about your brand’s sustainability values and provide clear content guidelines.

2. Audience Authenticity Check

Verify an influencer’s audience authenticity to avoid partnerships with those who engage in fraudulent practices. Authenticity ensures your brand reaches real, potential customers. Partnering with an influencer with purchased or fake followers can result in wasted marketing budget. Utilize tools to analyze an influencer’s follower demographics and engagement patterns.

3. Contractual Clarity

Clearly define expectations, deliverables, and compensation in a detailed contract to avoid misunderstandings. A well-defined contract protects both parties and sets the foundation for a successful collaboration. Without a clear contract, disputes may arise over content ownership, deadlines, or payment terms. Specify content approval processes, posting schedules, and any exclusivity clauses in the contract.

4. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation

Regularly monitor an influencer’s content and audience dynamics to adapt strategies based on performance. Continuous monitoring ensures your brand remains aligned with evolving trends and audience preferences. Failing to adapt may result in outdated or ineffective influencer collaborations. Use analytics tools to track engagement metrics and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Now that we have an idea of the precautions to take care of when finding a Pinterest influencer, let’s look at the benefits that a Pinterest influencer can have on your business/brand.

4 Benefits of Working with Pinterest Influencers (Why Should You Even Partner?)

Partnering with a Pinterest influencer enhances brand visibility, reaching a diverse audience on the visually-driven platform. This increased exposure leads to a measurable boost, such as a 30% increase in brand impressions for a clothing brand. Endorsements from influencers establish credibility and trust, especially when sharing authentic experiences, fostering consumer confidence. The collaboration ensures targeted engagement with a niche audience, yielding higher conversion rates, as seen in a 20% increase for a home decor brand. Furthermore, influencers contribute creative content aligned with your brand’s aesthetic. This drives user-generated content and enhances the overall brand image, exemplified by a food brand’s engaging recipe pins.

1. Increased Brand Visibility

Partnering with a Pinterest influencer boosts brand visibility, reaching a larger and diverse audience on a visually-driven platform. A clothing brand collaborating with a Pinterest influencer sees a 30% increase in brand impressions and new followers.

2. Enhanced Credibility and Trust

Influencer endorsements build credibility and trust among consumers, leveraging the influencer’s authentic connection with their audience. A skincare brand gains trust as a Pinterest influencer shares personal experiences and positive results using the products.

3. Targeted Audience Engagement

Collaborating with a Pinterest influencer ensures direct engagement with a niche audience, increasing the likelihood of conversions. A home decor brand partnering with a Pinterest influencer specializing in sustainable and minimalistic design sees a 20% higher conversion rate.

4. Creative Content Generation

Pinterest Influencers bring creativity to brand promotion, generating visually appealing content that aligns with your brand’s aesthetic. A food brand collaborates with a Pinterest influencer to create engaging recipe pins, driving user-generated content and recipe sharing.

Now that we have an idea of the benefits of finding a Pinterest influencer, let’s answer the most frequently asked questions to find a Pinterest influencer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Let’s answer the most frequently asked questions about finding Pinterest Influencers for your brand. 

How can I identify the right Pinterest influencer for my brand?

You can identify the right Pinterest influencer by considering your target audience, niche relevance, and influencers’ authenticity. Analyze engagement metrics, negotiate clear terms, and continuously track and adapt based on performance.

What metrics should I consider when evaluating influencers on Pinterest?

You should evaluate influencers on Pinterest based on engagement metrics like likes, comments, and shares. Ensure authenticity checks to verify real audience engagement, and review past content alignment for visual appeal and brand aesthetic.

What precautions should I take when working with Pinterest influencers?

Precautions you should take before collaborating are to review influencers’ content alignment, check audience authenticity, ensure contractual clarity, and continuously monitor for adaptation. Taking these precautions guards against potential brand confusion, fraudulent collaborations, contractual disputes, and outdated strategies.

What benefits can my brand gain from partnering with a Pinterest influencer?

Benefits your brand can gain from partnering with a Pinterest influencer are: increased brand visibility, enhanced credibility and trust, ensures targeted audience engagement, and fosters creative content generation. This results in measurable boosts such as increased brand impressions, higher conversion rates, and user-generated content.

How do I ensure my collaboration with a Pinterest influencer is effective?

You can ensure your collaboration is effective by clearly defining expectations and deliverables in a contract, maintaining continuous communication, and adapting strategies based on performance insights. Regularly review and align content to your brand values for optimal results.


In conclusion, successfully navigating the realm of Pinterest influencers involves meticulous steps. Identifying the right match, considering metrics, taking precautions, and leveraging the benefits lead to impactful collaborations. By understanding the nuances of Pinterest marketing, brands can harness the platform’s visual appeal to enhance visibility, credibility, and engagement, ultimately driving growth and success.

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